

  Show this in French At Criteo, everything seems to be measured in billions. Last year, the company generated 741 billion ads; reaching 1 billion Internet users with targeted ads and acquiring $19 billion in post-click sales. It’s not just the statistics that are massive. With over 60...

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information. Power Tools for Tableau, an extension of InterWorks, officially achieved Tableau Technology Partner status last week. The Tableau Technology Partner list is comprised of organizations that create complementary products to Tableau Software. In short, these partners...

Last Friday, the Oklahoma Department of Labor honored InterWorks with the Entrepreneurial Excellence in Oklahoma Award. Mark Costello, the Oklahoma Department of Labor Commissioner, swung by our home office in Stillwater, Oklahoma, to congratulate us in person. With him came Stillwater Mayor John Bartley, state...

2014 has been a monumental year for InterWorks. From winning multiple awards and hiring like crazy to forging new industry partnerships, we have plenty to celebrate. However, just last week, we silently reached another landmark: The InterWorks blog reached 1,000 posts. To everyone at InterWorks who has...

Stillwater, Okla. – CRN released their annual Fast Growth 150 list today, with InterWorks landing at No. 76. The list recognizes solution providers that have been the fastest growing over a two-year period based on gross revenue from 2011 to 2013. “These organizations are some of...

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information. InterWorks joins Tableau yet again on their latest major tour, the Tableau 8.2 Roadshow, where you are invited to see all of the amazing new features and capabilities of Tableau 8.2. The InterWorks team has covered...

Tableau purchased Power Tools in 2019. Contact Us for more information. InterWorks joins Tableau yet again on their latest major tour, the Tableau 8.2 Roadshow. The purpose of the Tableau 8.2 Roadshow is simple: show off all the amazing new features and capabilities of Tableau 8.2. The...

Tableau has published a post on their own site detailing how the Heartbleed Vulnerability affects the Tableau software. Whilst the security updates were released last night we thought it better to share with you the details of the vulnerability with regards to Tableau so you...

InterWorks is preparing for the biggest data visualization event in Europe to date: the Tableau Conference on Tour. Many are familiar with the European Tableau Customer Conference, which historically takes place in one location over the course of a week. This year, Tableau is opting...

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Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

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