

InterWorks is proud to announce that we have been promoted to the Gold partner tier with Informatica in Australia. Our commitment to our customers is maximising the value of data. We do this by deploying best-of-breed data platforms, building robust and sustainable user communities, and...

Ah, December! The month that was once ruled by many festive holidays is now ruled by quite a different cultural phenomenon: the release of everyone’s Spotify Wrapped. However you feel about Spotify Wrapped these days, there’s no denying that it taps into a very effective mode...

Expanding our Public Sector Impact We’re excited to announce that InterWorks has been appointed to the G-Cloud 14 Framework, reinforcing our commitment to supporting public sector organisations with our extensive suite of data analytics and cloud services. Through this appointment, public sector bodies can now access...

Hey, blog readers! We’re taking a quick detour from your usual tech-oriented how-to-guides, podcast replays and company culture pieces to do a bit of housekeeping on the blog. I don’t want to waste your time with my propensity to yap on entirely too long, so...

Today, we're looking back on a fantastic day at the Snowflake World Tour in Sydney on October 29. The event kicked off with an inspiring opening keynote and included various breakout sessions covering topics like data foundations, AI acceleration and application development. Additionally, there was...

Spooky season, ladies and gentlemen, is finally upon us. Ghouls, ghosts and creepy crawlies lie in wait for us just around the corner. First, though, let's take a look at last month's blog posts. Then, we can play "Monster Mash" fifteen times in a row...

InterWorks recently attended CDAO Melbourne 2024, a three day event that took place on September 2-4, 2024. Featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions and interactive workshops, the conference addressed topics like data governance, culture and transformation.  We had a great time there, and loved to interact with...

Howdy, blog readers! We've got some exciting stuff for you this month. We were an absolute machine with the production this past month, with 20+ blogs handwritten just for you. But before we get into the meat and potatoes this month, let me share a...

On 13 March 2024, InterWorks was a proud Platinum sponsor of the first ever Data & Analytics in Healthcare conference, hosted by Corinium in Melbourne, Australia. It was an opportunity for leaders in data and analytics in the health vertical to share stories, generate new...

Calling all analytics and data consultants and consultancies: Are your clients struggling with creating adoption around analytics?  Are you creating content for them and no one is using it?  Are your clients wanting to provide analytics to more of their internal or external audiences? Check...

Our friends at ThoughtSpot just made a huge announcement concerning their partner ecosystem, and we’re thrilled to share that InterWorks earned two ThoughtSpot Partner of the Year awards for 2023: ThoughtSpot Americas Emerging Partner of the Year ThoughtSpot EMEA Partner of the Year That’s some serious...

Since inception, InterWorks has been, at heart, a services organization. Our core desire is for our customers to think of us as partners, trusted advisors, and allies in carrying out their mission. That is, at the end of the day, our own mission. So, we...

You can mark your calendars: we’re officially halfway done with 2022. We’ve been winding down the data conference season this month by attending Snowflake Summit 2022, Alteryx Inspire 2022 and the Dataiku Everyday AI Conferences in both New York City and London. While we certainly have...

Our relationship with Matillion has been incredibly strong these past few years, and that relationship just reached new heights. We’re proud to announce that InterWorks is now a Matillion Global Platinum Partner! This is the highest partner designation in the Matillion Partner Network, and we’re...

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Interworks GmbH
Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

Telefon: +49 (0)211 5408 5301

Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRB 79752
UstldNr: DE 313 353 072

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