
Snowflake Tag

Snowflake recently held their 2023 Data for Breakfast series in Australia. InterWorks was a black diamond partner for two events in the series (Perth and Melbourne), and I was lucky enough to attend both of these events and present on behalf of our amazing company...

Welcome back to our mini-series on Snowflake External Functions with Azure. Before we proceed, please read the previous post on how to set up these functions and how Snowflake interacts with Azure: A Definitive Guide to Setting up Snowflake External Functions with Azure Why Choose an...

There are several ways to develop, debug and deploy serverless applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS). One of my favorite tools to achieve this locally is the AWS Toolkit for VSCode because it streamlines the application development process in a simple and pain-free manner. For...

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it's definitely been one of the busiest here at InterWorks! There's 28 days in the shortest month, but we've got a whopping 25 blog posts here for your review. You'll notice that there's a new...

To stream/ingest data automatically from an AWS S3 bucket into Snowflake using native functionality, Snowpipe is likely the solution you're seeking. We do have two related posts you can explore for related content: Configuring Storage Integrations Between Snowflake and AWS S3 Automated Ingestion from Azure...

This article is builds on the following two previous articles: Intro to Azure Functions and Snowpark: Populating Snowflake Control Tables Using Azure App Settings to Authenticate Snowflake with Python The above articles do a great job at building a foundation for building Azure Functions that leverage...

New year, new me! Tired of hearing that one yet? It's the time of year to start (and potentially abandon) your New Year's Resolutions. If you're kinda over the whole trend, I recommend this video from CGP Grey that replaces a single resolution with "Themes"...

Earlier this month, my colleague Jason Hoehn published the following article: Intro to Azure Functions and Snowpark: Populating Snowflake Control Tables Jason's article did a great job at building a foundation for building Azure Functions that leverage Snowpark for Python to interact with Snowflake. However, the focus...

If you’ve heard about ThoughtSpot, you are probably as excited as we are here at Interworks about its potential. If you are not too familiar with this tool I’d strongly suggest this article series. Several of our clients in Sydney and Melbourne all agree on one...

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and are coming into the new year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 12 months. To cap off 2022, we opted for quality over quantity on the blog front. (It also helps...

Snowflake Secure Data Sharing enables users to provide specific data points to consumers using the same cloud provider within the same region. Providers can share tables, external tables, secure views, secure materialized views or secure user defined functions with consumers. Data sharing is customizable, and...

We've made it to the tail end of 2022. Holiday season is upon us, and it's fitting that Snowflake is the most blogged about topic for us to share in this edition of the InterWorks Blog Roundup — we randomly had a night of golfball-sized...

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