
Snowflake Tag

In the entire history of the world, sharing information has never been easier. This becomes obvious just by looking at social media platforms. Their technological innovations have enabled billions of users worldwide to share Instagram stories, TikTok videos, World War 3 memes, baby/yoga/kitten videos and...

This month, we hit refresh on a new year and a new decade, aiming to breathe new life into existing solutions and reframe the way we think about and approach our work. In looking to lay a strong foundation for the year to come, we...

In the world of data, getting near-real-time data is kind of like the holy grail for reporting. The benefits are easy to see: reporting on things as they happen opens up a world of decisions that didn’t before exist. While I could write a full...

Data can be stored in many different formats. Before we can import any data into Snowflake, it must first be stored in a supported format that Snowflake can interpret. At time of writing, the full list of supported is contained in the table below: *Note: The...

Various people come by our house, whether it be someone delivering mail, an Amazon Prime package or from the utilities. However, there are times when people try to come by who are not wanted. It is our responsibility to ensure that we do not give...

Surprise, surprise … another year in the books. I genuinely contemplated copying and pasting the opening paragraph of last year’s blog, but here I am writing an original opening to close out the decade. Start strong, finish strong, right? And as we begin a new...

And just like that, another decade is in the books. But don't worry; this good thing doesn't have to come to an end. Find all of the content we released last month in this blog roundup. While it may have been a quieter month on...

As a Snowflake user and a Python enthusiast, I was very happy to learn that Snowflake has created its own Python package to connect to Snowflake and execute commands. As these commands are executed locally and transmitted to Snowflake, the full SnowSQL functionality is available...

A critical part of any Snowflake database is the storage of the data. Snowflake is capable of both storing data within the environment and accessing data that is stored in other cloud storage environments. Regardless of whether the data is stored internally or externally, the...

We have much to be thankful for here at InterWorks. This blog roundup features 16 posts and 19 contributors and covers everything from Tableau Conference 2019 and the big news revealed there - like the Modern Cloud Analytics initiative - to other fun posts, like...

Following our successful Brewalytics events in Perth and Sydney, the InterWorks ANZ team continued our data journey in Melbourne. Joined by partners Snowflake, Alteryx and Tableau, we welcomed the Melbourne data community to Downtown Data & Drinks in the heart of the city. Building an Empowered Culture This...

Today is the day! Snowflake is now in preview on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the us-central1 region. This news is something Snowflake fans have been looking forward to for quite some time, but now that it’s finally here, I wanted to share why this...

A critical part of any data warehouse is how new data is brought in and prepared for consumption. Depending on the order of events, this process is known either as ETL or ELT. So, what do these acronyms mean? ETL is the process of extracting data...

If you’ve played a video game in your life (so basically everyone), then you’re familiar with the frustrating feeling of being stuck on that one insanely difficult level. How do you get past that? How do you break through to beat the big boss? These...

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