Visualizing a Flood of Data for the Tableau 10x Contest

The recent floods in Texas and Oklahoma hit home for me. I live outside of Dallas and InterWorks has three offices in Oklahoma. We’ve seen double our normal rainfall this year, leading to major floods impacting metropolitan areas. People have lost homes and family members. All...

Every day, we are flooded with data visualizations. Whether it’s a bar chart in a newspaper, an infographic you see online or a pie chart you see in a quarterly earnings report, people are turning numbers into pictures all around us. For those of us...

Every once in a while, new technologies come along that alter your thinking. In 1982, the spreadsheet radically changed how everyone created budgets. In 2007, Tableau Software changed the way I looked at data. For the first time, the hardware had enough power to analyze large...

I have been using Tableau since version 4, initially as a Tableau customer. One of the first things I wanted was to be able to see my data on the move. I didn’t want to see everything, just the basics, a list of green ticks showing...

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