Control Parameters and Simple Batch Macros in Alteryx

Above: Princeton's Heather Campbell presenting at TC15. We did a lot of fun things at Tableau Conference 2015, but one of our favorites was presenting a session with our friends over at Princeton University. InterWorks' Kate Treadwell took the stage with Princeton's Director of Analytics & Data...

For a variety of reasons, businesses do not always tie their fiscal year to the standard calendar year. There are numerous explanations of why this might be beneficial to an organization, and they all seem to lead several of my clients to the exact same...

Many of us embed visualizations in our websites, and they likely look great on our own monitors, but what about on your boss’s giant, 28-inch iMac monitor? How do they look on a projector? How do they look on an iPad? In today’s world of varying...

A common question that often comes up in trainings is: “How do I run a 'difference between two dates' calculation only considering business days?” In order to focus on business days, we need to adjust our calculated field to define what a “Business Day” is. First, we need...

TCU plays against Oklahoma State tomorrow, and few are giving OSU a chance in the matchup.  OSU is surprisingly strong at home and TCU appears to have some weaknesses on the road that many are ignoring.  See how both teams stack up thanks to some...

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