Data Viz: What Is Polite on a Plane?


Data Viz: What Is Polite on a Plane?

by Zack Gorman

TC15 is rapidly approaching, and roughly 12,000 attendees are expected at the festivities. The vast majority of those attendees will be flying into Las Vegas, and there will be plenty that don’t travel very often. They may find themselves on the plane wondering what the proper etiquette is around different things:

  • Is it polite to recline my seat?
  • Is it alright to try and chat up the person sitting next to me?

My answers to those questions (“no, that’s rude as hell” and “sure, unless they’re wearing headphones”) are purely my own, and everyone else will have their own take. To get a better insight on people’s views, the fine people at 538 did a survey on flying etiquette. Of course, the answers depend on who you ask, so I’ve used some icons (via the great repository to let people filter by different demographics in the Tableau viz below:

May your travels to Vegas be safe, and if I’m sitting behind you, please don’t recline your seat.

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More About the Author

Zack Gorman

Analytics Consultant
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