
Snowflake Tag

Snowflake, a leading cloud-based data warehousing platform, has become instrumental in modern data analytics and processing. However, when you connect to Snowflake, your data traverses the public internet before reaching its destination. This can raise significant security and performance concerns, particularly in sensitive industries like...

Earlier this year, Snowflake announced the availability of Snowpark ML during its Snowflake Summit. Snowpark ML is a set of tools, including SDKs and underlying infrastructure, to build and deploy machine learning models; all within Snowflake. It works with Snowpark for Python, so you can...

Ah, September. The breaking of the summer heat, state fairs, the winds of change beginning to usher in a new season and children returning to school. Idyllic, for sure, but we haven't been taking too much time to stop and smell the roses. We kicked things...

As Snowflake has developed over the years, we have seen the introduction of more and more table types, and it isn't always immediately clear what the differences are and when they should be used. Today, I hope to shed some light on this by outlining...

Welcome, everyone, to the recap of our August blogs. You may look at your calendars and say, "Mark, my friend, it's September 12. We're almost halfway through September. Why is this recap so late?" That, my dear reader, is an astute question. It actually has...

SHP Files in Tableau Shape files (.shp) allow us to encode geospatial information like countries, continents or more specific custom regions specific to our use cases. These work similarly to dot-to-dot puzzles. One file stores a series of shapes, each with a series of points (or...

Recently, I was involved in a project which required using geospatial (basically maps) data for an analytical application. Now, with ESRI shape files being around for more than three decades, any sincere BI application like Tableau can easily read and work with these spatial files....

There are several features in Snowflake that contribute to your environment's performance and scalability. Two of the most important in my experience have been micro-partitions and clustering. In short, micro-partitions are the fundamental storage units of Snowflake, and clustering is a feature that organizes data...

Establishing customer trust and satisfaction is crucial for any business, and observability plays a major role in achieving this goal. In fact, it is one of the top trends in the data landscape. To enable more observability and measurability of data workloads, Snowflake has been...

April showers bring may flowers, but what do may flowers bring? Pilgrims! Never figured out if I should be telling that joke in April or November for Thanksgiving, but I figure that it’s timely enough either way! We had some great blog content this month. I’ll go...

Clocking in at 28 blog entries this month, March was easily one of the most jam-packed months we've had on the InterWorks blog. I feel like I've written that exact same intro several times since I took over compiling these monthly roundups, but the number...

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