

It’s Women’s History Month, and at InterWorks, we have so much to celebrate. The women of InterWorks are some of the most brilliant, thoughtful and kick-ass colleagues I have ever had the pleasure to know. To support our team and the communities they represent, we...

The title sounds a bit like a dichotomy, but it’s a little hidden gem at InterWorks we explore all the time. I personally believe the connection is something everyone seeks; my interest professionally is to find out how we pull more people into these connections....

The year 2020 provided new, and at times harsh, perspectives on the ways we go about our lives. In light of this, InterWorks used the holiday season as an opportunity to examine what matters most. As a result, our CEO, Behfar, had the idea to...

In the second part of our Time Capsule 2020 blog, we turn to those events and ideas that demanded our attention outside of the technology industry (you can find that post here), whether by the urgency of their cause or as a result of our...

Heading into December, it feels like a great time to reflect on everything that has happened this year—things that have changed, people we have met, learning we have acquired, situations we have endured and all the personal and professional growth these experiences encompass. One year ago,...

The first things I need for the day are coffee, my planner and a favorite candle. Without them, I honestly don’t think I could function. Pro tip: Get yourself a Yeti-type insulated mug and thank me later. Welcome to my dining room office! Since March, my...

Every morning, we wake up with a not-so-gentle reminder from our puppies, Mango and Bluebell, to give them their breakfast! And once the fur-children are fed, we move on to feed the plant-children. My work-from-home setup includes music, my computers and the puppies at my feet. When I...

Starting the day with a slow pour over. Checking in with my house co-worker and the status of the bird feeder activity. I gave a presentation on the InterWorks brand at the Summer Tour. I was super nervous, so I reviewed my notes on the wall often. More final...

Autumn is the gentle hug we can collapse into in the midst of one of our toughest years. It is the cozy nurturer that cradles our world-weary bodies with its amber hues, crisp breezes, cool mornings and creature comforts: tea, pumpkins, orchards and earlier bedtimes...

Last month, we wrapped up our first virtual summit. Think a virtual summit sounds boring? Nothing at InterWorks is ever boring. You can read more about how our incredible team pulled off a virtual summit in record time, providing tons of professional development and increased...

2020 has been a slog. So many unexpected and troubling things have befallen our world, and those repercussions are far-reaching. One of the consequences has been lots of time inside of our homes, and for those of us working from home, on one side of...

The process of designing the department starter packs has been such a treat. Andrea Avey, InterWorks Content Coordinator, originally came up with the idea when we were discussing ways to increase employee engagement, and I thought it was wonderful, though to be honest, I thought...

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