

When you're a global data consultancy, the work environment can vary greatly from person to person. For some InterWorkers, their workspace consists of an expansive desk in one of our offices with multiple monitors and all sorts of personal flair. For others, it might simply...

My question to you: When you have the best colleagues who are smart and nerdy, what could be better than spending some time together puzzling out a relevant and useful data solution? To me, there is nothing! Above: The InterWorks Mainland team  At the beginning of October,...

The consequence of a dynamic environment is the need to know it all, or at least the perceived need to know more than anyone else. That is what makes one consultant shine over all the others – a perception that our knowledge is greater than that...

Anytime it is 110 degrees in Oklahoma, it’s a good time to get the hell out. I was lucky enough to attend this year’s Culture Summit in beautiful (and much cooler) San Francisco, California. This cross-industry conference focuses on ways to increase employee engagement and...

When InterWorkers meet, we not only talk about Tableau and how to help people better understand their data, we also like to be challenged and challenge each other! This time, right after Tableau Conference Europe 2018, we were invited to join London Team Day. For those...

Two weeks ago in Stillwater, Oklahoma, InterWorks hosted our first combined Company Summit. Why is that important? For the first time, IT, Sales, BI, Ops, HR and Marketing gathered together for an unforgettable week of catching up and insightful talks. Unfortunately, our UK and EU...

It’s the end of December and naturally a time to reflect on the past year. I joined InterWorks in May. and the few months since then have been intense but exciting. My latest video above only shows a glimpse into my experience with InterWorks Europe. And...

If you never get a second chance to make a first impression, then a company’s onboarding process is a great opportunity (and risk). By creating an inviting, exciting and unforgettable experience for our new hires, we get the chance to permanently imprint our values and culture. If it...

A few weeks ago, InterWorks Europe attended the Tableau Conference on Tour in Berlin. Even though the event is much smaller compared to the U.S. conference coming up, it was still informative for everyone who attended and very enjoyable! It was a great chance to meet colleagues, clients and...

If you've been living under a virtual rock over the past month, you may not be aware that the 2017 Tableau Conference is approaching fast! This year’s conference promises to be bigger and more informative than ever before. With last year’s attendance at 12,000, we can only...

Have you ever wondered what data analysts do in their free time? Obviously, we are tweaking data and exploring the beta version of Tableau Server! Other than that, InterWorkers are just ordinary people with many different hobbies. For instance, if you’re interested in finding the best...

I love to explore new technologies that expand my way of thinking. In order to build new skills, I find myself on a constant search for improvement. Below, I’ve shared five easy steps that have helped me on my lifelong learning journey. Hopefully they will...

Last week marked the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. Over the holiday weekend, I decided to share a deep-dive into my current iPhone setup. Do you remember when you first saw the iPhone? I do. I remember watching Steve Jobs' worldwide presentation and was excited about the potential...

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