

Purpose of Article This article was created to show some of my initial impressions of Veeam 6.1, to show some screenshots of the interface changes between Veeam 6.0 and Veeam 6.1, and to show some of the results of some backups and replications. New Features Several new features...

The Problem I recently ran into an issue where I was receiving the following error as soon as I logged on to a Windows 2008 R2 server: Windows cannot find ‘C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsAdministrative ToolsServer Manager.lnk'   After navigating to the directory, it was discovered that all the Administrative Tools...

I recently had a client who had received some new Dell computers with NVidia cards.  The users were able to get authenticated and out through their proper CFS policy settings using their SSO Group membership in the SonicWALL.  Then the users would randomly drop for...

Overview This article describes how to close a mailbox out of Outlook by removing it from: Removing it from the Outlook interface by adjusting your mail settings How to identify and remove the related registry entry. Summary I recently ran across an issue where I could not remove a mailbox...

Astaro, now part of Sophos Network Security, is a decent security appliance platform that sits atop of iptables for the firewall set. With that, the NAT rules can be a little different. I have experience with many brands, and the Astaro documentation isn't completely clear...

I came across this issue today where a client's Outlook 2010 client would connect to Exchange (2010), download all the email and then prompt for a smart card. It wasn't the usual prompt for a password/user name OR a smart card, it simply said insert...

OVERVIEW As a server administrator I frequently install anti-virus programs for safe measure. Since many programs use unique extensions that are sometimes flagged as a virus, I always research and set up exclusions to be safe. I am not aware of any official documentation that exists...

Encountered a weird issue in Veeam 6. We had migrated from one server to another, and the replica jobs suddenly all started hanging. The job as a whole showed "Waiting for processing resources availability", and the individual machines showd "Resource not ready: VI proxy". We had...

We have been using and recommending Veeam for quite some time. The local backup product has been very solid, and always improving. The replication piece of the software on version 5 was quite non-functional. If you're considering setting up replica jobs, make sure your support...

Overview This article explains some of the parameters available when using MSTSC.exe to open a remote desktop connection. These commands can also be applied to create a remote desktop connection shortcut with custom set parameters. This article is a continuation of the Enabling Remote Desktop Protocol...

Overview This article explains how to enable remote desktop on a Windows machine and some of the basic syntax to be able to remote on to a machine. This article is in conjunction with the MSTSC Commands and Creating a Custom Remote Desktop Shortcut article. Enabling RDP in Windows...

Overview/Problem This article explains how to fix the 451 Greylisted, System Administrator message that is received when you send an email to someone that has the same domain name.  Example: If you had the email and were trying to email, you will get a message...

Summary/Purpose This article is meant to give an overview of Veeam 6.0 on VMware, give other users an idea of our experiences, provide some general recommendations, and to provide a recommendation to adjust the Backup Proxy Transport setting to fix a processing speed issue that is...

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