

I recently had to find out a way to cleanup files in a folder that was growing based upon the date that they were originally created.  These log files needed to be kept for 3-4 months in case they need to be reviewed for verification. ...

We utilize Veeam's Backup & Replication product for local backups as well as offsite DR replication. The software is overall very good, but can have some quirks if things don't go as planned. One issue we hit is longer-running replica jobs might conflict with local...

Here is a handy command to find out computer memory details from a command prompt so you don't have to open up the computer. Go to, Start, Run (or click the Windows Orb-Search on newer Windows versions), type in CMD, then in the command prompt enter: wmic...

During a recent troubleshooting stint, a collegue of mine was scratching his head as to why a machine would not seem to boot. We were getting no POST codes (or boot beeps, or whatever you call them), no video, etc. We WERE getting lights on...

The dreaded, "No Service" message. You have no voice, no data, no communication at all with the outside world!!!!    Ok, so maybe it's no all that bad, but what do you do when you get this message, you need to make a call, and you have...

After a recent MS update, I had a user that ran into issues with a legacy application saving all the documents created into a new Virtual Directory and it effectively broke the application. Windows 7 created a new Virtual Directory in this location: C:Users*current logged in...

How to create a VPN connection to your office with Windows XP, Vista, 7 or even Macintosh Before going home: You will need to verify/acquire the following information from your network administrator: The IP address or DNS name of your VPN server                               _____________________________________ Your Username that you use...

“Traditional backup software does not understand virtualization.” – David M. Davis.   Tomorrow marks the launch of a new FREE learning site,, which offers a fundamental view of how virtualization works with relations to backup and replication strategies.  The site is sponsored by Veeam and is...

I came across this issue today where opening a network file caused Excel 2003 to hang or crash. Opening the file locally worked normally.   Removing security updates KB2541025 and KB2502789 immediately resolved the issue.   Credit Technet:    Link...

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