

Unleash the power of seamless access control with Tableau Cloud Single Sign-On (SSO). Say goodbye to the tangled web of passwords and embrace a world where authentication is a breeze. Discover how SSO transforms user experience, enhances data security and seamlessly integrates with your existing...

SHP Files in Tableau Shape files (.shp) allow us to encode geospatial information like countries, continents or more specific custom regions specific to our use cases. These work similarly to dot-to-dot puzzles. One file stores a series of shapes, each with a series of points (or...

Recently, I was involved in a project which required using geospatial (basically maps) data for an analytical application. Now, with ESRI shape files being around for more than three decades, any sincere BI application like Tableau can easily read and work with these spatial files....

Football season is almost upon us. While we slog through the purgatory that is preseason matchups, some very real preparations are starting to get underway: drafting the perfect fantasy football lineup. Drafting your favorite players and hoping for the best is, uh, one strategy. Another...

I’ve been with InterWorks for almost a year now. It’s interesting being surrounded by a team of expert consultants. There is quite an immeasurable collection of shared IT and business intelligence experiences represented throughout our organization. And much of the regular scope of work for...

There are several features in Snowflake that contribute to your environment's performance and scalability. Two of the most important in my experience have been micro-partitions and clustering. In short, micro-partitions are the fundamental storage units of Snowflake, and clustering is a feature that organizes data...

When businesses progress along the data maturity scale, the volume of data and associated dashboards will start to expand. This is great news! But, it can cause problems along the way. It is likely that your Tableau estate can start getting more difficult to navigate,...

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