Robby White
Account Executive
Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Robby began his undergraduate studies at Baylor University in Texas. While it all started great, he wanted to pivot and began attending Oklahoma State University back in Stillwater during his sophomore year. Here, he grew a love for writing, communications and (of course) all things orange. After earning degrees in journalism and applied sciences, he opted to start a career path in Information Systems.

As a jack-of-all-trades, Robby brings a 20-year background in content management, enterprise SaaS consulting, ed-tech software delivery and is a published journalist. He loves to learn innovative technologies and has an affinity for educating clients on how the latest software or analytics tools can transform their business processes and workflows.

Beyond the job, Robby loves God, his family and sports—in that order. He has a passion for travel, often going to Europe with his wife and three kids to see family and explore new places. He likes to take part in boot camp-style workouts and go golfing, usually dragging along one of his adult kiddos to join in the fun.

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