

This article is builds on the following two previous articles: Intro to Azure Functions and Snowpark: Populating Snowflake Control Tables Using Azure App Settings to Authenticate Snowflake with Python The above articles do a great job at building a foundation for building Azure Functions that leverage...

Fivetran's custom connector enables customers to create an ingestion process for data sources that are not currently offered by Fivetran's service. This is accomplished by creating a function in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using a programming language such...

New year, new me! Tired of hearing that one yet? It's the time of year to start (and potentially abandon) your New Year's Resolutions. If you're kinda over the whole trend, I recommend this video from CGP Grey that replaces a single resolution with "Themes"...

The term “Self-Service Analytics” gets thrown around a lot these days and for good reason. It’s what a driven-driven organization strives for, and at InterWorks, it’s the goal we help our clients achieve. I don’t know if there is a specific definition for self-service analytics,...

Earlier this month, my colleague Jason Hoehn published the following article: Intro to Azure Functions and Snowpark: Populating Snowflake Control Tables Jason's article did a great job at building a foundation for building Azure Functions that leverage Snowpark for Python to interact with Snowflake. However, the focus...

Welcome to our new series, Dashboarding is Like, where we will explore connections between data visualization and other creative pursuits! For our first set of posts, Dashboarding is Like Music, we will delve into the sometimes surprisingly rich relationship between, as the title suggests, dashboarding...

If you’ve heard about ThoughtSpot, you are probably as excited as we are here at Interworks about its potential. If you are not too familiar with this tool I’d strongly suggest this article series. Several of our clients in Sydney and Melbourne all agree on one...

Data Driven Alerts in Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud is a built-in feature that allows you to tell Tableau Server you want to be notified if your data reaches a set threshold for your business. When they’re set up, data driven alerts can automatically notify...

On a recent project, I heard a colleague recommend dbt and it sounded amazing. Every feature of this product seemed to address challenges I run into on almost every data project. I decided it was time to take a look. Unravelling the Spaghetti As a consultant, I...

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and are coming into the new year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 12 months. To cap off 2022, we opted for quality over quantity on the blog front. (It also helps...

In diesem Webinar tauchen wir tiefer in die Formatierung in Tableau Desktop ein und lernen die unterschiedlichen Formatierungsebenen kennen: - Was kann alles formatiert werden, was nicht? - Formatierungshierarchien – warum ändert sich mein Text nicht immer, wenn ich ihn formatiere? - Globale Formatierungen (Worksheets, Dashboards) und Tipps...

Snowflake Secure Data Sharing enables users to provide specific data points to consumers using the same cloud provider within the same region. Providers can share tables, external tables, secure views, secure materialized views or secure user defined functions with consumers. Data sharing is customizable, and...

For those who live by the Benjamin Franklin-inspired mantra "every second saved is a second earned" (or maybe that was actually about pennies?), this Tableau time saver post is for you. It’s incredibly refreshing to know that regardless of whether you have been using Tableau Desktop...

We've made it to the tail end of 2022. Holiday season is upon us, and it's fitting that Snowflake is the most blogged about topic for us to share in this edition of the InterWorks Blog Roundup — we randomly had a night of golfball-sized...

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