
Tableau Tag

Pie charts are among the most popular, if terribly overused, charts in business presentations. They are best suited to show proportional or percentage relationships. When used in the right circumstance, pie charts can quickly show relative value to the other data points in the measure.   Figure...

We’ve already covered the other type of map view in the symbol map article. Now, let’s look at the filled map chart type. The filled map is another view ideal for geographic data. Instead of circles or squares to display data points, the filled map uses...

The Value of Measures? What are Measure Names and Measure Values and how do they work? These are built in Tableau fields and they have 2 main uses or strictly speaking two variations of the same functionality. The first is a Combined Axis Chart and the...

Forecasting is a word that tends to get some interesting reactions from people I meet. The most frequent reaction I think I encounter is one of slight intimidation. Forecasting has a simple point – use history to predict the most statistically likely future. When it...

I’ve seen it a dozen times in classes that I have taught. A student is digging Tableau (who doesn’t?) and all of the ways that it can present data. While working through the classroom examples, everything is going smoothly. Then, someone connects to their own...

Now that I’ve recovered and am fully awake from my overdose on data, I thought I’d share some follow-up thoughts on TC14. I primarily want to talk about some of the exciting new things Tableau announced as features coming down from R&D. I’m also announcing...

Here at InterWorks Marketing, we work hard to prepare for the largest Tableau community event of the year. If you’ve seen us at the Tableau Customer Conference in the past, you know that we don’t treat this like just another conference. We don’t drag out...

Tableau unveiled their newest Tableau Zen Masters today. Among those honored was InterWorks' Director of BI Services and "Tableau Your Data!" author, Dan Murray. Murray joins an elite group of data visualization experts, with Zen Master being the highest distinction Tableau can give to those who have made an impact on...

In my first InterWorks blog post, I’ve decided to write about something that I commonly used in other BI platforms. The idea of passing parameters in Microsoft and IBM products is vastly used in reporting. A user can define their parameter before running the report....

Last year, in July, Tableau Software introduced Tableau Online, their cloud-based product. Over 1000 companies adopted Tableau Online in the first nine months in market, making it Tableau’s fastest-growing product. Tableau has dominated the BI market with 80% growth in just the last year. Transitioning Big Data...

TC14 is only a few short weeks away, which means it’s time to get your conference agenda in order. Conference week will be packed with incredible breakout sessions, keynote speeches and all sorts of fun activities. With so many options, it becomes a real challenge...

One of the great features about Tableau Software is the ease in utilizing maps for your visualizations. There are two chart types to choose from when creating a view with geographic data: symbol maps and filled maps. In this article, we’ll cover symbol maps. These...

Here at InterWorks, we all love Tableau. We all know that Tableau is an amazing visualization tool that allows its users to connect to a wide variety of data sources in order to visualize their data. Being a student of the pure sciences (math and...

You have to make an important business trip that involves driving through heavy traffic. You jump into your brand new company car ready to set off, only to discover things are not what you expected. There is no steering wheel in front of you. The...

I have an ongoing reel playing in my mind about the future of business intelligence that I’d like to share with you all. It’s a dream about the future that I’ve been having since I first started using Tableau in 2007. The dream looks like...

The highlight table allows us to apply conditional formatting to a view. Tableau will automatically apply a color scheme in either a continuous or stepped array of colors from highest to lowest. It is great for comparing a field’s values within a row or column. In...

To take a more visual approach to showing data than we might typically see in a crosstab, let’s consider a heat map. A heat map is a great way to compare categories using color and size. In this, you can compare two different measures. In...

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