
Snowflake Tag

When using Matillion to load data into Snowflake, temporary stages are often created in Snowflake to store the data before it lands in the destination table. Often, this is not an issue as Matillion provides a handy load option called "Clean Staged Files," which cleans...

Another month, another roundup! In August, we published 14 new pieces of content and featured 20 contributors to the blog, including a couple first-time bloggers! Our team shares all kinds of data tidbits and new knowledge, from a mini-series on the emerging power of dbt...

The year 2020 produced a mass migration of business processes, enterprise software and internal workloads to AWS in a way that was previously unseen. In the world of data, organizations relied on the flexibility of the cloud to run infrastructure, authentication and analytic workloads at...

We made it another month and are excited to present the July roundup! Last month on the blog, we featured 20 different InterWorkers - including TWO new posts from our fearless leader, Behfar - and published 17 new content pieces aimed at empowering and equipping...

It goes without saying (though the whole point of this blog is to say it) that 2020 was a year unlike any other. For many of us, what come to mind first are the negative aspects of the year: COVID, wildfires, social injustice, isolation. But...

One of the longest years has finally reached its conclusion. Our December blog posts may have been few, but since we've always been proponents of quality over quantity, this doesn't really bother us. We're grateful to have had moments of quiet and rest at the...

It's been a tough year, but we are still full of gratitude for the incredible community we have, including our team, our clients, our partners and you! This last month on the blog, we highlighted the data and tech family with posts geared directly toward...

2020 has been filled with unexpected surprises. From the global pandemic we find ourselves in to the disappearance of the business travel I had grown to love, the way this year has wrapped up was not at all expected. While the days of traveling to...

Another month down and only two more to go in the crazy whirlwind that has been 2020. This month, we kept our good things going on the blog by loading you up with tons of Tableau treats, fun stories from our team and webinar replays...

In the world of data analytics, there is always a tendency to focus solely on the tech stack above everything else. We get it – technology is new and shiny and exciting. Tech, however, is only part of the equation, you also need people who...

Following on from our webinar “The Modern BI Stack in Operation” we’ll take a deeper dive into the “how” Matillion, Snowflake,and Tableau come together to unlock insights and provide trusted information. Why should I watch? – Escape the restraints of legacy technology and embrace the cloud. – Deliver...

You don’t want to miss out on episode 106 of Podcast Your Data! Join InterWorks Data Engineer Holt Calder and Snowflake Chief Technical Evangelist & Strategic Advisor Kent Graziano for a discussion of all things Snowflake. From the origins of cloud technology to low-cost data...

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