

When installing a fresh copy of ShoreTel or migrating an existing ShoreTel install to a new server, by default the ShoreTel phones will try to retrieve their date and time from the ShoreTel server. By default, the NTP settings will not be enabled in a...

Encryption has been becoming an increasingly popular implementation when it comes to data storage and transfer, and it’s not always a difficult thing to do. I recently encrypted a Mac Book Pro running OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) with FileVault 2 and was surprised at...

So I know my title at InterWorks, Inc. says "Systems Engineer", however many of the people know me here simply as "the cell phone guy". Why? Because I always have the newest, latest and greatest, and not always just one. I generally do a full...

One Month Using the Microsoft Surface Pro I've been testing the Microsoft Surface Pro for about a month. I've had many coworkers and clients ask about its capabilities. I didn’t go to the trouble of weighing things (using a stop watch to test boot speed, etc.)....

One of the nice features about ShoreTel is the ease of use of the ShoreTel Communicator. One feature that can be enabled is Call Fowarding. This feature can allow users to forward incoming calls directly to a phone number of their choosing such as Google...

For the last few months, I had been plagued with an issue where my laptop would seemingly at random come out of sleep. I found no useful information in the event log, and couldn't pin down the cause. When my laptop was in my bag,...

Overview Sophos' Astaro firewall appliances and UTMs can come with a variety of configurable features, such as intrusion prevention, web security, and mail security.  Some of these features, such as intrusion prevention, utilize open source technologies, such as Snort (, an open source network intrusion prevention...

The Problem Often after rebooting a server, it starts responding to pings even though you can’t remote on to it quite yet. The Solution If you want to stop wasting your time continually trying to RDP into a newly-rebooted server, you can download a handy tool called tcping.  Download...

Overview On rare occasions when attempting to encrypt or decrypt disks, PGP will initialize the action, but will hang. After initiating the ENCRYPT/DECRYPT button PGP will display the PAUSE button, however even after clicking the PAUSE button option nothing will occur. Rebooting the machine, and clicking...

Purpose of Article This article has been written to give some of my initial impressions of Veeam Explorer (currently in Beta) and to provide some screenshots of the ease of use. What is Veeam Explorer Veeam Explorer is a tool designed by Veeam to provide instant visibility into...

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