

When deploying the Symantec Security Virtual Appliance on an ESXi host, one of the requirements for installation is you must have access to the sylink.xml file. This file configures communication with Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Server. This article provides instructions on how to export those...

One of the more common ways organizations choose to address security on computers is to restrict what USB devices can be utilized within an environment. Depending on the program, there are a number of ways in which devices can be identified and filtered. In most...

I finally found some good information for cleaning up the WinSXS folder on new instances of Windows. I found the following site extremely helpful: Consequently, I was able to get 7GB of data cleaned up from the WinSXS folder on the first Server 2008R2 machine I followed...

I know there aren't a lot of people reinstalling Mac OS X, but I thought I'd create a post just in case you run into a situation that deems it necessary. Here's how to reinstall OS X on a wiped Mac: Power on and hold Ctrl+R immediately...

In many organizations, IT administrators are expected to manage remote servers and machines from just about anywhere. Many administrators utilize Remote Desktop Connection to access offsite servers and desktops. If a machine was shipped to a remote location and RDP was not enabled, someone would...

When many organizations switched to Windows 7, they found that many of their legacy applications built for Windows XP no longer worked. One way Microsoft alleviated this issue was by creating Windows XP mode, which can be found here: When Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 were...

So, you've got an Exchange Online setup working with Active Directory synchronization, possibly an Exchange Hybrid setup going mid-migration, you now need to adjust alternate email addresses for a user who has a mailbox hosted with Exchange Online, and you receive this error message: "The operation...

I came across this issue recently, where we migrated from a hosted Exchange 2010 server to an on-site Exchange 2013 server and Autodiscover would not fill out the server information on ActiveSync devices. Setup is as follows: Single Exchange 2013 combined CAS/Mailbox/Front/Backend server Standard SonicWALL with normal NAT...

When ESXi and vSphere 5.5 were released, VMware made a strong push towards using the vSphere Web Client. By default, the vSphere Client no longer worked with any users except the administrator@vsphere.local account. If a user that previously had access tried to log into the...

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