

Windows snap features are pretty cool. They can really help productivity by getting your windows organized quick and easily, but are you supposed to use it to its fullest extent if you have dual screens?   Most people just drag their windows all the way to the...

The Problem: You need a service tag quick, fast, and in a hurry. You're armed with nothing but a command prompt.   The Solution: Open up that command prompt, and type in "wmic systemenclosure get serialnumber" -- that's the magic spell that will provide you with your service tag....

Quickbooks 2011 has a new twist in it's licensing. Apparently, Intuit has deided not to offer a 5 seat license for the 2011 Pro version of Quickbooks. You are only allowed THREE seats. One thing to be wary of, the box says "Up to 3...

Have you ever had to look at two excel documents at the same time? By default it will open the excel documents in different tabs in the same window. It can get pretty annoying if you really need to see both at the same time. Luckily,...

Alright Bloggees, in honor of this short month, I have also provided a short blog:   Have you ever noticed your new Windows 7 computer (or old Windows Vista one) waking up from sleep mode on its own?  As strange as this sounds, it is also very...

Note:  The instructions below were attained with using a McAfee Web Gateway v6.8.7 build 7612   For those of you using McAfee Webwashers as one of your levels of web filtering and security, you may or may not have realized that white listing websites that the WW...

Overview This article outlines the steps required to change the background image of a computer when you are trying to log into it.  Using these steps you can display an image behind the log in screen as a reminder to the users. This background can be...

If your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs, so you cannot play or access a CD or DVD. This problem is caused by two Windows registry entries that have become corrupted. To fix the problem, you have...

A new startup called Topicmarks has created some very interesting technology for summarizing long documents.  Give it a try.   You can send in texts in many ways: Upload a file from your computer Enter a URL to download from the web Copy/paste text Send in a file by email You can send...

Direct from Symantec I thought I'd pass this information along in case you are still using some older symantec products.  I believe we already have all our clients off of these older products, but some of you out there might still be on an older...

   When Windows won't boot up, the natural course of action would be to start it in safe mode. When safe mode loads the drivers, and you see it hang up on "crcdisk.sys" there are several possible causes:   1) If the registry has become corrupt or...

Have you ever wondered what the Letters on the Equallogic model numbers actually mean? Well here is a little sheet to help you out. I'm going to us a PS6000 as my example.    PS stands for Peer Storage, which is the concept of having members join together to...

Moving Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager SEPM, Symantec Endpoint Protection Management Console If you are one of those people who partition your server hard drives and have run up against the problem of not wanting to expand a drive but need more space on one of them, this...

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