
Snowflake Tag

Recently, Snowflake released external access integrations into general availability. This allows Snowflake admins to create secure tunnels for Snowflake to communicate with the outside world, and can therefore communicate with external APIs to complete all manner of tasks. For example, external access could be used...

Recently, Snowflake released external access integrations into general availability. This allows Snowflake admins to create secure tunnels for Snowflake to communicate with the outside world, and can therefore communicate with external APIs to complete all manner of tasks. For example, external access could be used...

Recently, Snowflake released external access integrations into general availability. This allows Snowflake admins to create secure tunnels for Snowflake to communicate with the outside world and can therefore communicate with external APIs to complete all manner of tasks. For example, external access could be used...

In today's data-driven landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated every corner of industry and technology. From personalized recommendations on streaming platforms to optimizing supply chains in manufacturing, AI algorithms are revolutionizing how we approach problems and extract insights from data. As organizations race to leverage...

Assist by InterWorks has been helping hundreds of InterWorks clients for years now. Assist got its beginnings as an on-demand, Tableau assistance offering connecting users directly with our consultants. Tableau users could easily hop on a call, wherever they are in the world, and chat...

Hey, howdy, hey readers! Welcome back to our monthly blog roundup, where we're going to list out all of the blogs we published in February for your easy perusal. Scroll through, find a blog that tickles your fancy, and read on! Or, you just came...

In an insightful blog series, my colleague Danny dived into setting up SCIM and SSO with Azure Active Directory (AAD) - a must-read for organizations using AAD for managing Snowflake users and roles. AAD's popularity is clear, but it's not without workflow challenges, especially since high-level Azure roles such as Group...

Welcome to the blog recap for January! You may ask yourself, "Mark, my friend, it's already halfway through February. Why are you just now getting to recap January?" To that, dear reader, I would say, "We already did this bit with the hypothetical reader and the...

Row Access Policies are a convenient way to apply row-level security to multiple tables or views in one go. You simply create one policy and can apply that to as many objects as you like. Best of all, if you need to make adjustments, you...

I've been a huge fan of Streamlit for years as it enables analysts and data scientists to easily create interactive web apps without the hassle of managing a backend development. I was always happy to read the announcements of new Streamlit features being released and...

Happy holidays, loyal readers! I thought about lacing this whole intro with subtle references to common holiday season slogans ("It's the most wonderful time of the year, isn't it?" for reference), but I figured that might be a bit too cliche. I'll spare you. This year...

Snowflake and Azure are incredibly capable of storing data securely. You can see all reports available to customers through their pages of security and compliance reports, for both Azure and Snowflake. This is fantastic for data stored in the platform; though, we must still consider how...

Earlier this year, Snowflake released Column Lineage functionality into general availability to much applause from data governance champions. Now hang on – I know data governance doesn’t have the most gravity as a reading topic, but I promise this will be worth it. In fact, I’ll...

Organizations are constantly collecting and analyzing vast amounts of sensitive information. Protecting this data has become more important than ever. Snowflake’s masking policies are a powerful tool in keeping sensitive information safe while still allowing easy access for those with the proper credentials. This blog...

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