Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: Scheduled Reports


Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: Scheduled Reports

The Portals for Tableau New Features series is designed to keep users up to date with all the latest features being added to InterWorks' embedded analytics solution, Portals for Tableau.

Please note that Portals for Tableau are now officially known as Curator by InterWorks. You can learn more at the official Curator website.

report builder in Tableau

Cue the montage…

Report Builder 3: All Grown Up

You felt things for the plucky new Report Builder feature when it was first released as just an export tool way back in February 2018:

report builder in Tableau

In the sequel just a few short months later, you watched as it got on the bus for its first day of school and quickly learned how to send those exports in an email:

report builder in Tableau

Scheduling Recurring Report Emails

Now showing in a portal near you comes the inspiring third installment that will leave you with all the feels. You’ll get to watch as it matures, cuts the apron strings and becomes self-sufficient by allowing those report emails to be scheduled on a recurring basis. It’s being heralded as the feel-good coming-of-age story of the season. Critics have called it “a revolutionary feature” and “the next step in analytics greatness:”

scheduled report builder in Tableau

Behind-the-Scenes Documentary

To use this new ability, you must first turn on the feature. Navigate to Backend > Settings > Portal Settings > Features tab. Scroll down to the Action Buttons section and find the settings for the Report Builder. Be sure to save at the bottom of the screen after turning on the features:

report builder settings in Tableau

If you want to prepopulate the subject and/or body of the emails, or configure one or more BCC addresses that get included with all emails, navigate to the Portal Settings > Layout tab. Under the Report Builder Settings section, you’ll find these settings and more. If you need to override them on a group-by-group basis, you can do so using the group override functionality (Backend > Settings > Frontend Group Overrides):

email BCC addresses with Tableau report builder

To use the feature, just load some dashboards and take a few snapshots. You can even have filters or parameters applied. Once you have your slides built, click on the Scheduled Report button:

scheduled report builder in Tableau

scheduled report builder in Tableau

Next, click on the New Scheduled Report button, fill out the details as needed, and click the Create button:

recurring email setup in Tableau report builder

As a portal administrator, you’ll also have access to manage all of the scheduled reports by navigating to Backend > Tableau > Scheduled Reports:

scheduled reports in Tableau report builder

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More About the Author

Matthew Orr

Curator Architect
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