

In my years as a computer guy, I've seen some pretty unusual things done with and to computers. I've been around long enough  to see CD-Roms used as cup holders, 3.5" floppies jammed in backwards, entire soda's dumped into keyboards, and once, a space heater...

I've decided to deviate from my blog-posting standard in two different areas today. First, I'm going to actually post this, which goes against the norm for me. Second, I'm going to talk about some underlying network theory instead of a break/fix review. The OSI Model When network...

Screen real-estate on my monitor is precious. It's not unusal for me to have multiple screens open at once on the same montor. Every inch of available extra space is more productivity for me, For this reason, I use the auto-hide function in Windows to...

It seems like over half the time I am called out on a client site to remove a virus from someone's computer, I get asked the universal question, "Where do viruses come from?"  or "Why do viruses even exist?"  I'll explain what I tell them. Viruses...

If you are having an issue installing a service pack (which actually is a full binary reinstall/upgrade) of exchange 2007 where it prompts you to reboot because another install is in process, it means a registry flag failed to delete previously. To resolve the issue...

Ever had an issue getting past the prerequisite checker when installing Openmanage Server Administrator (OMSA)? If you know it will install, but the checker just won't let you past, do a manual installation and skip the prereq with this command: This is assuming you extracted the install...

Sometimes those pesky DRAC cards in the Dell servers just seem to not respond or act up. If you still have CLI access to it, you can reset it a two different ways. If you are local to the machine, and it has OpenManage installed (OMSA),...

I came across this error on a Small Business Server 2011 installation once or twice where it would error out towards the end with a Target Invocation Exception. This so far has been identified as using a reserved login name for SBS 2011. Normally "Administrator" and...

Recently I ran into a problem of a 2003 Small Business Server showing no additional Connection Access Licenses (CAL’s) other than the 5 that comes installed by default. This stopped all access to the server’s resources except for 5 concurrent users. After doing lots or...

Laptops are irreplaceable for several of us.  Next to our smart phones, they are the simply the best mobile way to keep us connected to the digital universe we are all so accustomed to these days.  How on earth did we get by without the...

After some recent Microsoft updates, some folks may have noticed that they cannot search their Outlook items anymore. Where they used to get a good list of items when searching they now receive the following message: "Search results may be incomplete because items are still...

Greeting bloggees,   You ever been sitting at your XP computer, accidently fat-fingered something on your keyboard while typing at demon-speed, locked it up a little because you're doing too much for your processor to handle, and then tried to press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to...

I generally like things nice and tidy… In Outlook 2010, Microsoft has included a nifty feature called Suggested Contacts that keeps track of address'.  This is alot like the Outlook cache feature in 2003/2007 (.nk2 autocomplete).  The problem comes when Outlook syncs these contacts with your...

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