

It should be no secret by now that diverse teams solve problems more effectively and are simply a good thing to have as we work toward building a more inclusive world. But how are top tech companies doing at building diverse teams? Dear Tech People...

URL actions are powerful and useful things to have in your Tableau dashboards. Many use these actions to navigate from one dashboard to another. Portals for Tableau supports URL actions, but we suggest a few adjustments for the best results. This guide will help you...

Story Time with Lego! Today's episode delves into the problem with averages and how one can gain interesting insight by deconstructing the outer layers - something that kids are notoriously good at by asking the 5 Why's (though we're pretty sure they don't mean it in...

Welcome back to Portals for Tableau 101! In today's lesson, we will cover how to add a dashboard to your portal from Tableau Server. If you missed the last lesson, please check it out as we cover how to set up your portal to connect...

Everyone looking at a dashboard expects it to load and respond quickly. What defines “fast” varies from one person to another. As we discussed recently on our Tableau Performance episode of "Podcast Your Data!," something that takes minutes to load could still feel fast compared...

I rarely ever receive pristine data, and I’d wager that’s true for most of us working in data analysis or business intelligence. Data can come to us from dozens—if not hundreds—of sources, and it certainly requires some preparation to make it useful. One of the...

  You’ve got a Portal for Tableau. You’ve got Dataiku. You’ve also got an ingenious idea to use some of the data science from your awesome new Dataiku project on your portal’s frontend. For instance, you want to provide an interactive form to predict the weather...

Guys and gals, I’m excited – my favorite data visualization tool, Tableau, now has a data preparation and transformation tool. It’s called Tableau Prep (Project Maestro when in beta) and yes, it is awesome. Tableau Prep is a personal data preparation tool that empowers the...

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