

Welcome back! The holiday season flew by, and if people were feeling generous, then it’s likely many non-profit organizations were showered in charitable donations. What does that have to do with machine learning? Let’s find out as we explore the second project in Udacity’s machine learning nanodegree. Can...

It’s a common trope in the data analytics community to tsk tsk at any mention or appearance of the poor pie chart. There’s no other chart type that collects such derision and disdain. But why? Let’s tackle the pie chart and explain how it is...

It’s the first Podcast Your Data! episode of the new year, and there is already plenty to discuss. We have a full cast of characters as Robert Rouse, Tony Kau and Brad Fair team up for a roundtable discussion on everything you need to know...

There’s significant merit to the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If you’re currently running Tableau Server in your organization on Windows, but considering making the switch to Linux, please use this blog post to help you arrive at an informed decision. We’ll...

In this installment of The Quantified Car series, I want to discuss path maps. We know that Tableau can draw polygon or filled maps, but it can also draw points on a map using circle marks. Path maps are used to draw lines between those...

One of the many helpful features in Tableau is the ability to create dynamic text boxes that update depending on user selection or other events on the dashboard. It’s a common practice to use parameters in text boxes. That’s why I would like to offer a...

If you’ve been looking for a way to load JSON data into EXASOL with just a click, then you’ll love this post! As data scientists, most of our time is spent preparing data for analysis and modeling. In my professional experience, I have faced many hurdles...

"Which is your favorite Christmas movie?" is a question often asked during the holiday season. And an even more convoluted question, "Is Die Hard really a Christmas Movie?" I decided to try and answer those exact questions by quantifying fan sentiment around movie rankings and juxtaposing that against a widely viewed list ranking...

It’s the final Podcast Your Data! episode of the year, and we’re looking back at an exciting 2017! Robert Rouse and David Pires talk about TC17, new technologies and the year’s best data books. Plus, they give us the rundown on what exciting new tools...

2017 was without a doubt the year of embedded analytics. So, we wanted to emphasize the year’s biggest wins for our version of embedded analytics, Portals for Tableau. It may seem small, but this year we built our Portal solution into a product that can update without...

If you are an InterWorks client, then you hopefully already know about InterWorks Assist. If you’re not familiar with Assist, allow me to show you how much this ad hoc service has grown during its first year. Who Should Use InterWorks Assist? Initially launched at the end...

On this week’s podcast episode, host Robert Rouse discusses the AWS re:Invent conference with panelists Brian Bickell and Derek Hecksher. The Las Vegas, Nevada, conference was massive with over 40,000 people in attendance. It was a builders-focused event, centered around new and updated offerings. Amazon also displayed their cloud offerings,...

I’m a Tableau certified trainer and Analytics Consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. I’ve written many articles on the InterWorks blog in order to help answer the same questions I get from my students and clients. For today’s Tableau Extended post, we’re going to focus on...

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