Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: REST API Version Checker


Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: REST API Version Checker

Please note that Portals for Tableau are now officially known as Curator by InterWorks. You can learn more at the official Curator website.

Do you suffer from an irrational fear of robots, drones or mechanical sentient beings? Do you get anxiety when you think of the phrase, “artificial intelligence,” see someone dancing with quick and jerky motions or hear the theme song to “The Jetsons?” If so, you may have a disorder named “robophobia.” You should probably visit a medical professional, and you definitely should not read any further.

On the other hand, if the things above excite you, then we’ve got some good news.

Portals for Tableau have gotten a little bit smarter. They haven’t gained sentience yet, nor have they become evil and started preparing to take over the world, but they will now check which version of the REST API your Tableau Server supports and update their settings accordingly. As long as your Tableau Server is version 10.1 or above, a portal will be able to determine which version of the API it should be using, both when you’re first configuring it and as your Tableau Server is upgraded going forward.

Initial Setup

As soon as you enter your Tableau Server URL, username, password and site details, the portal will reach out to the server and update the version drop-down for you. At the same time, it will also verify the user you entered is either a server or site administrator of the specified site, which should help alleviate any of those hard-to-track-down dashboard permission issues.

Check Rest API version in Portals for Tableau

Tableau Server Upgrades

When Tableau Server is upgraded, it is easy to forget to update that tiny setting in the portal to take advantages of the new features. Portals for Tableau have you covered there too. On a weekly basis, your portal will reach out to the Tableau Server again to see if it has been upgraded. If it sees that it’s a newer version supported by the portal, it will automatically change the setting without you having to lift a finger.

Portals for Tableau may not be real robots, but they are here to make your life easier.

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More About the Author

Matthew Orr

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