Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: Cheat Codes and Easter Eggs


Portals for Tableau New Feature Spotlight: Cheat Codes and Easter Eggs

Please note that Portals for Tableau are now officially known as Curator by InterWorks. You can learn more at the official Curator website.

Even though Portals for Tableau are serious about business, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a fun side. You may have noticed that we like what we do at InterWorks and that is reflected in our work. As a result, we’ve added a few fun Easter eggs and cheat codes to make your experience with your portal more entertaining. Here is a subset of them for your enjoyment.

PAC-MAN Loading Screen

Virtually all of our clients take advantage of loading screens for their dashboards to make those precious few seconds while the dashboard is rendering more bearable for your users. Sometimes you’re blending several massive data sets in Tableau and long load times just can’t be avoided. However, we’ve got you covered. Did you know that if your dashboard takes over 30 seconds to load, the loading screen will automatically switch to a game of PAC-MAN?

Portal for Tableau PAC-MAN Screen

Sound Effects

If you’re tired of boring websites, we’ve added a feature to enable sound effects for certain actions in the portal. By enabling this feature, you’ll now get to experience the portal not only with your eyes, but with your ears as well.

To turn on sound effects, type the following sequence while on the backend’s Dashboard page:

↑ (up), ↑ (up), ↓ (down), ↓ (down), ← (left), → (right), ← (left), → (right), B,  A

Here are a few of the sound effects that are included in the feature:

  • A toilet flushing sound when flushing your portal’s cache
  • The sound of crumpled paper being thrown into a metal trash can when deleting content, such as dashboards, links, pages, etc.
  • A door chime when a user logs into the backend
  • Fanfare when the portal is upgraded
  • … and many more that we’ll let you discover on your own. Be sure to comment below if you’re the first to discover one in your portal.

Language Packs

At this point, you may have figured out that many of us at InterWorks are geeks/nerds. One common stereotype among that demographic is speaking in fun languages, like Klingon, Elvish, etc. How could we not add that ability to Portals for Tableau?

To enable a language pack, type one of the following words while on the backend’s Settings page:

  • Klingon (Star Trek) – yIDoghQo’
  • Elvish (Lord of the Rings) – Pedig edhellen?
  • Dothraki (Game of Thrones) – Ase shafki athdrivar
  • Ewokese (Star Wars) – Allayloo
  • Minionese (Despicable Me) – Pwede na?
  • Pig Latin – Ilapray Oolsfay

Portal for Tableau Pig Latin

Enjoy these new features!  … Oh, and have a merry April Fool’s Day! Who knows, one day we may add these Easter eggs for real.

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More About the Author

Matthew Orr

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