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Throughout the month of May 2021, InterWorks and members of the Stillwater, OK, public were challenged to create teams of two-five amblers to compete in a daily steps challenge. Affectionately titled the Walk This May challenge, the competition encouraged participants to band together and accumulate...

At InterWorks, we really love our jobs – not just because we do cutting-edge work that keeps us creative and our skills in tip-top shape, but also because we’re a part of a sensational data and tech community that includes our clients, partners and—of course—our...

May the fourth be with you! We blinked, and suddenly, we're deep into 2021. It's been a long year - I'm sure you don't need us to tell you that - but as a new quarter begins and the seasons change, we're feeling something in...

It’s Women’s History Month, and at InterWorks, we have so much to celebrate. The women of InterWorks are some of the most brilliant, thoughtful and kick-ass colleagues I have ever had the pleasure to know. To support our team and the communities they represent, we...

I know. We can't believe it's already March, either. But another month means another opportunity to bring together all of the great resources from the blog for you. It feels good to get into the swing of a new year, and this last month on...

The title sounds a bit like a dichotomy, but it’s a little hidden gem at InterWorks we explore all the time. I personally believe the connection is something everyone seeks; my interest professionally is to find out how we pull more people into these connections....

The year 2020 provided new, and at times harsh, perspectives on the ways we go about our lives. In light of this, InterWorks used the holiday season as an opportunity to examine what matters most. As a result, our CEO, Behfar, had the idea to...

In the second part of our Time Capsule 2020 blog, we turn to those events and ideas that demanded our attention outside of the technology industry (you can find that post here), whether by the urgency of their cause or as a result of our...

What a year. A year with so much potential for puns (think: hindsight is 2020, 2020 vision … if only) turned out to be quite different. Rather than sounding like a good joke, many people will forever react to hearing “2020” the same way characters...

One of the longest years has finally reached its conclusion. Our December blog posts may have been few, but since we've always been proponents of quality over quantity, this doesn't really bother us. We're grateful to have had moments of quiet and rest at the...

Heading into December, it feels like a great time to reflect on everything that has happened this year—things that have changed, people we have met, learning we have acquired, situations we have endured and all the personal and professional growth these experiences encompass. One year ago,...

Even though 2020 has made staying connected to a supportive community a tough puzzle to solve, people are continuing to find a way, and one group that proves their determination and creativity in spades is the Tableau community. Since the global pandemic has changed our plans...

The first things I need for the day are coffee, my planner and a favorite candle. Without them, I honestly don’t think I could function. Pro tip: Get yourself a Yeti-type insulated mug and thank me later. Welcome to my dining room office! Since March, my...

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