What To Consider When Comparing Current vs. Prior Periods

Background: The State University of New York (SUNY) is the largest comprehensive system of higher education in the United States. With 64 schools, a mix of research universities, liberal arts colleges, specialized and technical colleges, health science centers, land-grant colleges and thirty community colleges, SUNY’s reach...

A look at effectively preparing for the rapid aging of the American workforce utilizing calculated fields and parameters in Tableau. The Scenario It’s no secret: The American workforce is aging – rapidly. The “Silver Tsunami” is hastily approaching land. With it comes waves of increased medical expenditures,...

Firstly, for all those still on Windows Server 2003 (you know who you are), it’s time to finally upgrade as Tableau Server 9.0 won’t run on this OS. New User Interface The first thing that you will notice when connecting to the Tableau 9.0 server is the...

This post builds off of two great previous posts about Tabcmd by Kate Treadwell and Tanner Ladd. Please refer back to these posts if you have questions about setting up Tabcmd and distributing PDFs. The goal of this post is to show you how to use...

A couple of months ago I did a speech in Vancouver, BC, and had the good fortune of getting to have dinner with Kelly Martin (Tableau Zen Master) and another amazing Tableau expert: George Gorczynski. George has an outstanding Tableau blog called Tableau Picasso. The...

We’ve kicked off 2015 with answers to some of our most commonly asked questions. Another problem that appears involves a simple piece of functionality – totals.  We know that Tableau can create totals for us through the Analysis menu. In Tableau 8.1, a new feature called...

In this tutorial I talk about the Tableau Level of Detail calculations  {fixed}, {include} and {exclude} which are new in Tableau Version 9. We see how {fixed} can be used to turn a measure into bands and give it the full functionality of a dimension. This...

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