

We are primarily a Dell shop, and one thing I've found out is that Backup Exec doesn't always play nice with the Dell RD1000 on Exchange GRT backups. If you are overwriting the RD1000 cassettes Backup Exec will erase the normal backups, but will leave and...

So Eaglesoft won't print Many dentist rely on Eaglesoft to keep their practice running smoothly every day. One of the quarks that anyone using Eaglesoft knows about is lack of printer support. Getting a printer work exactly like you want to can be a little bit...

Microsoft licensing can be a terrible tangled web of authorization numbers, license numbers,  user cals and software. When a company has been flagged to be audited by Microsoft it seems to be a daunting task to verify all your licensing is in place and up to...

Without going into factors such as disk queues, queue length, and I/O bottlenecks, there are a few simple things to remember when creating iSCSI SAN volumes to use as VMFS volumes. 1.  Know your limits.   Different models of SANs have different maximum configurations.  Some may limit...

We recently rolled a new Windows Server 2008 with Exchange 2010 installed on it here are some of the cool new features that are now available from the web. Ever wanted to have a little control from the web for administering Exchange?  Well, it's possible. Login to...

Recently we installed a new Server 2008 SBS server and during the process of setting up e-mail one of the users added access for his iphone, which requested he create a passcode something he considered very annoying. After a bit of seaching we found it...

Greetings from the tech room again.   You ever been unable to open Outlook?  Not the normal "will not connect to server" or hexidecimal error message, but I'm talking about Outlook opening momentarily, then shutting down.  The exact error I encountered on Vista SP2 recently was, "Cannot...

One of the things I do most frequently when it comes to storage solutions is make sure that a client understands their performance needs. There are really only two factors in disk performance: How long it takes for the disk to be read from or written...

Here are some quick notes on Exchange 2007 backups with Backup Exec: Backup Exec needs unique named account for the first 5 Characters to run under.  It can be administrator if you make sure no one creates an admin account with e-mail, but if you are...

So Apple has released a new update for the IPhone (3.1.3) but is it worth it. If your IPhone is jailbroken, then the answer is probably NO! The most popular jailbreaking tools Redsn0w, Blackra1n, and PwnageTool are currently not compatible with version 3.1.3, so unless you...

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