

In the event that Outlook has become unuseable or you just need a fresh start, you can rename the associated dat files to set everything back to factory defaults.  - Unfortuantely, this does not work in Outlook 2010. Before we begin, you'll want to make sure that...

We have been seeing alot of infected computers this week that have varients of the Windows Recovery Malware.  The various antivirus progams out there dont seem to be catching it, and while antispyware programs such as malwarebytes and spybot will find and remove the malware,...

So you're not one of the world's most gifted IT Technicians and you're getting warnings that your hard drive is running low on space and your wallet isn't so thick that you could just go buy a new PC or new hardware to alleviate your...

I found out today that the "online" version of Quickbooks will not load previously saved documents properly using IE9, it hangs on trying to create the image in a PDF. After troubleshooting the problem, I reverted back to IE8, everything worked like a champ....

If you have had problems installing Dell OpenManage from a Windows workstation this article should help with the process. Download the CLI tools from and install them. If you already have them make sure you have the current release or errors will still occur. Download the...

Severe weather is in the forecast for our area today, and many of us here in the office have been interested in better ways of keeping an eye on the weather. I'm a big fan of the National ...

Since I have had to do this a few times now, I thought I would whip up a blog on the quick and easy way to fix this issue. The problem is when a user logs into a domain machine with Windows 7 and gets...

This last minute blog is something that is beneficial for Windows 7.   So after you install one of several Windows 7versions, you will still need to make one adjustments   RATE YOUR COMPUTER: 1.  Click on Start (the Windows icon in the lower left-hand corner) 2.  Right-click on Computer and...

To Telnet onto a ShoreTel switch you first have to enable Telnet on it. Keep in mind that this will only temporarily enable telnet, and you will need to run this command every time you want to connect to the switch.  First, Log onto the shoretel...

Need to sync time to phones, switches, routers, or other devices utilizing NTP or SNTP? Usually devices need a fixed IP address for a time server, rather than relying on DNS resolution. Here's how to make the Windows Time Service work reliably. There is a registry...

Have a pesky domain controller who keeps getting out of sync, and subsequently sets the clock on all domain members? There are a number of reasons why the drift occurs, but the easiest fix is to configure an external synchronization with a reliable time source....

You might have come across an email this morning appearing to be from telling you: You will not be able to access your Intuit QuickBooks account without Intuit Security Tool (IST™) after 10th of April, 2011. You can download Intuit Security Tool here. After a successful download please...

Overview While doing technician work, I have run across several instances where I lose a persons profile when I perform one of the following tasks:  Domain Migration Format a Computer/Reinstall Windows Deleting a corrupted user profile and recreating. In some instances, it is not a big deal when I lose...

Ok bloggees and bloggers, this next tip reaches out to all those networking guys that are struggling with using Putty or HyperTerminal to configure a Dell 2824 swtich and just gives them a big hug.   So you just opened your slender Dell box and now your...

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