

I began working for InterWorks in March of 2020, right as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in full force and everything began shutting down. Because of this, I only had one week of in-office time to connect with people and go through the onboarding...

It’s internship season, and with that usually comes a conversation or two between friends about the company you work for and what they do. Once I’m done sharing about my experience, there are typically a couple follow-up questions, the most popular one being: “It’s based...

When it comes to hobbies and choosing fun activities to fill our free time with, some of our favorites involve a return to childhood. Whether it's the simplicity, liberation or silliness of being a child, or it's actually something we did as children, these kinds...

As the spring of 2020 progresses, our reliance on technology has grown even heavier than it was before. In this post, Chelsie shares the way that stepping away from the screen and revisiting the simple pursuit of making something by hand has helped her in...

Subtract the rush of busyness and the freedom to gather with other people. Add an overload of technology during the day and a global pandemic. What do you get? A lot of time on your hands and a desire to return to simpler things. This...

So far, the spring of 2020 has been defined by the global pandemic of COVID-19. The world is being strongly encouraged to stay home, and a large part of the global workforce is working from home. And while this moment certainly has its challenges and...

Ahead of International Women's Day this weekend, we asked our team to celebrate some of the women they most admire. Any person can be a role model—a family member, a public figure, a celebrity, a fictional character—and the responses of those who contributed to this...

At InterWorks, we love taking every available opportunity to celebrate the incredible individuals that make up our team. This weekend is International Women's Day, and our women are so incredible, we're dedicating two blog posts to them. Below is a compilation of some of our...

I’m a sucker for a great song cover. It’s true. I love covers so much the channel topic for our #hobby-music Slack channel is: Kirsten does covers. As an undergraduate, I was known to be found lurking on Napster and Limewire at all hours of...

When it comes to having a global company, it can be tough to stay connected—really connected—with your coworkers. One of the most valuable tools in this space has been Slack, which is to be expected. It’s a super practical tool for chatting with colleagues no...

It was deeply troubling to hear on Monday that my good friend and professional associate Deepak Ghodke passed away on Sunday while running in a half-marathon. It’s taken me a couple of days to absorb this news. Deepak was only 47 years old. He left...

I’m not really big on New Year’s resolutions. I should have the resolution to make a change that I think is important at any time of my life or career. But there was a resolution that I didn’t know I needed until I started thinking...

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