
Matillion Tag

Fun trivia fact about August you probably learned at school: the month was named after the Roman Emperor Augustus by, well, himself! Actually, all of the English language month names are carried over from Roman naming conventions. I'm a sucker for history, and month names...

In my last blog, I showed you how to iterate through a variable to bring multiple tables into the raw layer of your data warehouse. Today, I’m going to build on that concept by creating a DIM table and performing an UPSERT. Now, to start,...

You can mark your calendars: we’re officially halfway done with 2022. We’ve been winding down the data conference season this month by attending Snowflake Summit 2022, Alteryx Inspire 2022 and the Dataiku Everyday AI Conferences in both New York City and London. While we certainly have...

Our relationship with Matillion has been incredibly strong these past few years, and that relationship just reached new heights. We’re proud to announce that InterWorks is now a Matillion Global Platinum Partner! This is the highest partner designation in the Matillion Partner Network, and we’re...

I thought I would step away from my usual style of blogs today. The vast majority of my blog posts in the past have been written to achieve a specific technical goal, and you can think of them as guides or how-to’s. Today, I'd like...

Wow, this year sure is flying by. It seems like just yesterday that we were accidentally writing “2021” on the date line. For some of us, that was literally yesterday. No, I will not be naming any names. I will, however, look into the mirror...

Often when using grid variables in Matillion, the order of the values is important. For example, you could be iterating through the values of a grid variable sequentially using the Grid Iterator component and need the iterations to complete in a desired order. You may even have...

And just like that, the first quarter of the year is nearly finished! We've been busy here at InterWorks, dreaming up new ways to expand products like Curator by InterWorks and strategizing around how to enhance the agility, efficiency and impact of data and tech....

Hello, 2022! Another year is here, and we're excited to discover all of the new changes and innovations it will bring. Our last month on the blog featured 15 new posts and 16 contributors and covered lots of foundational tips to start the new year...

This post does not cover all of the functionality of Git as there is far too much content to cover. You can find a far more comprehensive overview of all of the functionality by directly reviewing the Git documentation. The objective of this post is to...

The InterWorks team will be providing updates to this blog as we continue to work on vulnerability remediation with our customers. (Last Updated: 12/23/2021 3:00 PM CST) Overview The morning of December 10, 2021, our team became aware of a Java web server vulnerability known as log4shell that...

Another day, another blog roundup! The fall harvest season here in the U.S. has overflowed into content production at InterWorks. With one of our favorite events of the year - Tableau Conference - falling this month, November really does kick off the most wonderful time...

This post covers how to automate the fetching and pushing of a Matillion project's local git repository with its remote counterpart using the Python Script component. If you would prefer, I also have a similar post that leverages the Bash Script component. Requirements Your Matillion project...

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