

Even with the best planning, we occasionally end up with less than speedy dashboards. Tableau is great at crunching large amounts of data – but when you are looking at many different slices of millions of records, anything would be slow. There are many ways to improve the...

Fixed LOD Berechnung  Die INCLUDE- wie auch die EXCLUDE-Berechnungen verhalten sich relativ zur Visualisierung, in der sie genutzt werden. Wenn Du mit INCLUDE eine Dimension einschließt, die bereits in der Ansicht vorhanden ist, wird die Berechnung keinen extra Effekt haben. Genauso wird EXCLUDE keinen Effekt haben, wenn...

This is the third article in our Tableau Deep Dive on level of detail. Part 1 reviewed the idea of detail. Part 2 introduced level of detail calculations and examined the Include LOD calculation. Let’s now jump into Exclude. A Use Case For our examples in this article, we’ll...

One of the common problems that clients are seeking to solve is a way to easily compare values from two different periods against each other. They want the ability to compare the same period between two years, a period against an immediately preceding period and...

In the previous article of this Deep Dive on LODs, we talked about Detail in general for Tableau Desktop. In Part 2, we’ll explore the Include level of detail calculation. Start With the Data Before I go into Tableau Desktop, I always think it’s foundationally important to...

We’ve covered several aspects in implementing the Tableau Drive methodology into your organization and shepherding in an enterprise-level deployment. It’s now time to outline the necessary roles within the Drive team. So, what is a Drive team? A Drive team includes organizational members that are responsible for...

After Hillary Clinton's strong performance on Tuesday, she now has an advantage of over 300 pledged delegates compared to Bernie Sanders. This total is based solely on votes and doesn't include her much larger advantage when super delegates are considered. So, where does this leave us? Just...

This article is about why you should take the Tableau Fundamentals course. Yes, you. I know that you’re a self-taught guru that’s been working in the tool every day for nine months. You’re the local data analytics guru in your organization. Who needs the Tableau...

Tableau Dashboards are great for a lot of things; however, one need I hear often is the ability to add notations to dashboards. You can obviously add notations inside Tableau Desktop, but in an Enterprise level dashboard, there are many issues with this approach. Any user annotating...

Every March, the Tech world descends upon Austin for the South By Southwest Interactive Conference. This year, SXSW is celebrating their 30th anniversary in a very big way with President Obama and the First Lady making an appearance in a pair of keynotes for the Interactive...

In Part 1 of this is series, I explained the general premise behind our Quantified Office dashboard. In this part of the series, I'll explain why we chose a visualization type called the "sunrise chart" and show how we created it. I'm the first to admit that the sunrise chart in our dashboard doesn’t...

The Run Command tool allows you to extend the capabilities of Alteryx by running external commands the same as you would from the command line. Need to run a Python script? Gzip a file? Utilize tabcmd? All of this can be done using the Run...

Data visualization enables fast, intuitive analytics, but it can easily fool us. Experts routinely point out how bad visualization choices imply false conclusions. But, there are other cognitive biases at play beyond visual encoding. Choices about what questions to ask and what answers to display...

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