

Are you creating a Tableau dashboard and need to leave instructions for users on how to use the dashboard, but you don't want to take up valuable space for these instructions? If so, this post is definitely for you.  Using a Created Field, we will...

It’s been a remarkable year for me; without a doubt the best year of my career (ever).  I was fortunate enough to be invited to give presentations on Tableau and SQL Server in Canada, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Louisiana and Michigan.  I delivered 16 presentations this...

Tableau gives us a lot of ways to connect to data. We can easily connect to Excel, Access, SQL Server, Oracle … the list goes on and on. One place that’s not in that list is email. We get a lot of data that’s been...

Last night was the Dallas – Fort Worth Tableau user group’s annual holiday party.  They say there aint no party like a data geek party, I think the 15 data geeks in attendance last night would agree! One of my favorite traditions is the year end...

A waterfall chart is visualization that helps illustrate the cumulative effect of multiple data elements.  The waterfall chart isn’t my favorite visual, but I've softened to it lately.  It's hard to not like a chart that is sometimes called the Mario chart due to the suspension of...

Nobody blogs about failure, right? In meetings and during training sessions I often talk about both failure and success. Specifically, I often mention my definition of dashboard failure which is if the user asks: "Can I download this data into Excel?" This will, of course, happen but your...

This is the second post on Table Calculations in Tableau. The first post covered the Groundwork, pill types, a worksheet layout, and the basics of the TOTAL() function. This post will look at what I consider the functions: INDEX(), FIRST(), LAST(), and SIZE(), partitioning vs....

Custom Table Calculations is one of the most advanced concepts in Tableau. The main resources Tableau provides can be found at On-Demand Training - Table Calculations (requires sign in) and Top 10 Tableau Table Calculations where you can find a variety of examples and a white paper with additional details....

I'm not a great fan of infographics, they don't assist the viewer in understanding the core story being told, so here's my alternative version of a Guardian produced infographic. See below for the original: Although pretty and colourful does it make it easy to understand the...

In August, the CDC published some data and charts related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Included was the following map breaking down alcohol use and binge drinking by state: View Dashboard The chart contains all the relevant information, but is less helpful than the typical...

This weekend saw the Croydon Cyclone disc golf tournament. It was the biggest UK tour event for a long time, and the Croydon club created a tough course. Here's the analysis of each hole's results. As you can see, it was a tough event. Click...

Over on the forum, Jeremy asked about making trellis charts. For more info on trellis/panel charts, John Peltier has a great article about them. Consider a case where you want to visualise two measures (eg sales and time) for a Dimension with many members, such...

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