Defending Desktop II: 5 Reasons Why Every Tableau User Should Take Intermediate

Quite frequently, students in training will ask “How do I make a gauge in Tableau?” While it's possible, it's not one of the default chart types in Tableau and can be somewhat time consuming. Instead, I recommend using bullet graphs, but why? What is it about...

Robert has the pleasure of talking with Jeffrey Osborn and Kevin Lustig, Creative Director and Technical Director respectively, from Graphicacy - an interactive agency specializing in data visualizations, infographics, motion graphics, data analysis, and, most of all, storytelling with data. Subscribe to Podcast Your Data through...

One of my favorite announcements at TC16 was the new ability for Tableau to natively read shapefiles. Shapefile (.SHP) is a data type used for storing maps. This feature totally revolutionizes the things we can accomplish with our maps inside of Tableau. For more information on using shapefiles...

Tableau just announced the beta release of Tableau 10.3, and it’s clear that they have been listening to the worldwide Tableau community with the new features and enhancements. While a lot of the new stuff focuses on Tableau Server and Tableau Online, there are exciting...

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