

Tableau Server is officially online. Users can now take advantage of their data from virtually anywhere with Tableau Online, a hosted (SaaS) version of Tableau Server. The benefits of a comprehensive, cloud-based business intelligence platform in Tableau Online are massive: Greater Access to Tableau Server With Tableau Online,...

About a month ago, HP Vertica released its latest service pack, HP Vertica 6.1 Service Pack 2 (version 6.1.2). It may sound like a small release, but the service pack actually includes a couple of major changes that could have a dramatic impact on the...

A Quick Way to Reengineer Worksheets & Workbooks for New Data -  Imagine you are receiving updated versions of the same or similar set of data.  Possibly, you are sent an excel file each week with the current market data, or perhaps a colleague that works...

Tableau has the ability to recreate any colour by using the RGB colour model. By using this you can customise your charts and dashboards to match your corporate branding guidelines. The chart below shows the top 5 BBC Television Channels by expenditure in 2012. It is...

Tableau, DataSift and Google BigQuery are intent on taking social media analytics to the next level. The three recently forged a partnership that will enable users to seamlessly integrate their data within these platforms, allowing near endless possibilities for social media data analysis. Users will...

This Marimekko chart was fun to get right. There are some great examples of complex table calculations built in to it. The use case is similar to that of a series of stacked bars. It has graphical similarities to a treemap but it lacks the...

Scenario Our sales team collects information and forecasts possible sales using a data-table called ‘Opportunities’.  If a sales opportunity converts to an actual sales lead, the customer and his information is moved to the ‘Leads’ table.  Opportunities that do not convert remain on the original table.  Additionally,...

The Tableau Customer Conference 2013 turned out to be a truly inspiring event. Hans Rosling captured the hearts and minds of the packed event room as did Andy Kriebel (Facebook), JP Rangaswami (Salesforce), Tableau’s own Christian Chabot and many customer speakers such as Cisco’s Rob...

Is data visualized more insightful than data stockpiled? It certainly depends on who you ask but, in some very specific cases, data visualized can shed light on some tightly guarded tribal knowledge. To that end, the team for the Civic Data Challenge has provided numerous...

One of the easiest-to-use diagnostic and troubleshooting tools we use here at InterWorks when working with Vertica clusters is Tableau. Vertica tracks a vast amount of information about cluster and database status. Diving into that data and quickly building visualizations and dashboards from these system...

Whenever I get the chance to introduce someone to the world of Tableau, one of the first things people tend to fall in love with are the tooltips and the ability to quickly view the underlying data of a mark. The default tooltips in Tableau...

Our business intelligence consultants are constantly engaged in tackling challenge after challenge. The individual capabilities of each are impressive enough, but what they accomplish together is what makes them such an effective team. We’ve decided to share some of the solutions they’ve created together in...

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