
Snowflake Tag

Recently, InterWorks had the exciting opportunity to attend the very first Snowflake Summit ever! The sold-out conference was held June 3-6 in San Francisco, and with over 2000 attendees, it was obvious that people were eager to learn more about Snowflake and its plans for...

Last month on the blog, we saw more of our data and tech insights in full bloom. From a deep dive series examining Tableau Prep to looking ahead at some exciting conferences from our partners, the blog offering was diverse. With over 20 different content...

We’re on the cusp of a historic moment in the data world: the first Snowflake Summit ever! On June 3-6, the best and brightest in data will gather together in San Francisco at this sold-out conference to celebrate milestones and map new trails to blaze...

The InterWorks ANZ Team kicked off this year’s first big event with Brewalytics in Perth, Western Australia. This event was run in partnership with Tableau and Snowflake and was attended by over 50 people from more than 25 organisations around Perth. Brewalytics was a great chance to bring...

After last week’s Airtable post, I’m sure all of our readers have been anxiously sitting on the edge of their seats. By now, I hope some of you have had the opportunity to explore Airtable and begin building bases. While I touched on the Airtable’s...

A couple years ago, as I was trying to teach myself programming, I managed to wipe out my computer. It was a silly mistake—all I was trying to do was learn how to work in command line and set a directory for R. Through some...

Kicking off a new year of Snowflake blogs seemed like a great opportunity to give you the tips and tricks of connecting to Snowflake from Excel. Businesses have been using databases to get data for Excel workbooks forever, but looking through the depths of Google,...

Happy New Year to all the readers of the InterWorks blog; 2018 has been a whirlwind of a year! In 2018, InterWorks steadily provided value to our clients in the data space, and as we kick off 2019, it seemed appropriate to prep you guys...

Last month, we were walking in a data wonderland over here on the blog. This list of December content (don't worry, we checked it twice) highlights 17 pieces and over 50 contributors—plus, one post alone that showcases 41 people!—and includes awesome resources pertaining to Tableau...

It's been very busy over here for the InterWorks Events team lately! Our third and fourth quarters of 2018 have seen some of our largest and most anticipated annual events, and we're even more excited as we look ahead to what 2019 will bring. Here's...

Double, double, toil and trouble! October didn't just bring Halloween. With a little help from InterWorks, it brought you lots of new data knowledge to dive into, not the least of which were some awesome resources surrounding Tableau Conference 2018. This month, we published 37...

If you’ve followed any of my previous blog posts, it’s pretty obvious that I am beyond excited about Snowflake. I have been working with the cloud data warehouse for about four months now, and it has consistently made my life easier. Today I am extremely...

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