
culture Tag

At InterWorks, I am lucky to work with some truly great people. We are accountants, consultants, administrators and more, and we are truly passionate about our work. My colleagues inspire and motivate me every single day. The problem is: I don’t see them all that...

I believe a strong organization is made up of great teams and great solutions that can create the perfect intersection of collaboration and growth. I am always on a search to understand what makes people tick, and this is especially pertinent in the work I...

We have had so much fun creating the Digital Nomad campaign, and we hope you have enjoyed all of the insights from the team. Our hope was to portray an accurate depiction of the InterWorks culture and what opportunities are available to you in the...

As years end and begin, we like to think back fondly (or not so fondly) on the last twelve months and look ahead with expectancy to those upcoming. As 2018 transitioned into 2019, popular culture decided (for some reason) to look back … way back...

As you may have heard, InterWorks’ best asset is by far our people. It’s the thing I’m thankful for day in and day out and one of the first answers I give when asked why I enjoy working here. Today is International Women’s Day, and...

Note: This post was written collaboratively by Ricki Thompson, Marketing Generalist, and Carter Link, Graphic Designer. The post represents their collective experience at their first InterWorks Summit and Holiday Party. Find more accounts of first-time Summit attendees here.  The InterWorks Summit is an annual event when...

So much data love was in the air this month. Here at InterWorks, we had all the heart eyes for our blog content. In February, we published over 30 pieces of content and featured 27 contributors. Some high points: we introduced our new Digital Nomad...

Since I’ve joined InterWorks, I have never suffered from boredom. If I should choose one word that describes my work the best, it would be excitement. Passion, natural curiosity and eagerness to create the best available solution is evident in everything we do. Working with the...

After a great 2018, we are pumped for another year of bringing you the freshest content in the data game. The new year got off to a strong start with nearly 30 contributors and over 30 different posts, from high-level pieces commenting on big-picture goals...

How do you maintain a community-focused culture when a little business based in Stillwater, Oklahoma, evolves into a small giant with a global presence? Start Bev Bashes! After my first year as a remote employee, I was feeling particularly isolated at InterWorks, a company that...

I am finishing breakfast while my Taxi app shows that the taxi driver will be in front of my house in five minutes. One last sip of coffee and off we go… This is how most of my days start when I am travelling to one...

At InterWorks, we love the work we do. We love the culture we have. But sometimes, we’re not the best at explaining to our friends, families and clients what it is that makes our company so unique. That is why we’re beginning this Digital Nomad...

I had been at InterWorks for approximately six weeks when the weekend of Summit arrived. Knowing very few people outside of my immediate team, I was a bit nervous to see what a weekend filled to the brim with new folks was going to be...

Do you ever have those watercooler debates at work that never get a real sense of finality? A coworker claims the trade OKC made for Carmelo Anthony was worth it, and you know in your heart that they are completely wrong, but you keep it...

Last month, we were walking in a data wonderland over here on the blog. This list of December content (don't worry, we checked it twice) highlights 17 pieces and over 50 contributors—plus, one post alone that showcases 41 people!—and includes awesome resources pertaining to Tableau...

InterWorks creates a culture that makes it feel like a small company: tightknit, authentic and unabashedly quirky. But in reality, we're a company of 250+ employees scattered throughout the globe! Recently, the annual InterWorks US Summit and Holiday Party were held in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and...

November is known as a month of giving thanks, and we are certainly grateful for the solid content published on the blog this last month! With 26 posts and over 20 contributors, we've got a lot to be thankful for, including some great pieces that...

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