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To best use ThoughtSpot, we need to have a good understanding of the data structure being used. The best way to work with that data is in ThoughtSpot’s data pane. In the data pane, we need to connect to a data source (in our case...

There are quite a few tips and tricks out there for Relationships in Tableau; just not nearly as many as for every other topic in Tableau, which is a shame. Nevertheless, this article is supposed to grow over time, and we start with something very...

Relationships in Tableau have grown older – it's been almost two years now when they started seeing the light of day. And still, even after all that time, there are many questions around this data model, be it within the Tableau Community, be it in...

Data in the real world is a lot messier than we’d imagine it to be. More often than not, working with data will involve multiple sources. For example, you might want to combine two tables, like sales from subsequent quarters. In Tableau Desktop, this is made...

Joins—they are happening everywhere. That’s actually a cool tagline! And it’s definitely true. I haven’t encountered a data warehouse, a data lake or a BI tool that didn't include some sort of join somewhere.   But I also know there are a lot of explanations about...

It’s no secret that Tableau Prep is a game changer for those looking to clean, explore and connect their data sources together. There are myriad join options, from your traditional left, right and inner joins to more advanced options such as Left Unmatched Only, which...

Note: A big thank you to Carl Allchin and Jonathan Allenby for initiating the Preppin’ Data project for our community. Hunker down, folks. It’s time to prep some data. Welcome to my submission for the first week of the Preppin’ Data project. For beginners, the idea...

I rarely ever receive pristine data, and I’d wager that’s true for most of us working in data analysis or business intelligence. Data can come to us from dozens—if not hundreds—of sources, and it certainly requires some preparation to make it useful. One of the...

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