InterWorks Presents: InnoTech Oklahoma 2014

As per usual, we’ve been pretty busy here at InterWorks lately. 2014 has brought record growth in the form of new clients, markets, events and dozens of new InterWorks team members across the world. Even though our reach is becoming increasingly global, our dedication to...

In my developer mind, what takes Tableau 8 from neat to amazing is the ability to manipulate, calculate and maneuver data quickly and easily. Calculated fields allow you to compare fields, apply aggregations, apply logic, concatenate strings, convert dates or perform a myriad of other analytical...

Pie charts are among the most popular, if terribly overused, charts in business presentations. They are best suited to show proportional or percentage relationships. When used in the right circumstance, pie charts can quickly show relative value to the other data points in the measure.   Figure...

We’ve already covered the other type of map view in the symbol map article. Now, let’s look at the filled map chart type. The filled map is another view ideal for geographic data. Instead of circles or squares to display data points, the filled map uses...

The Value of Measures? What are Measure Names and Measure Values and how do they work? These are built in Tableau fields and they have 2 main uses or strictly speaking two variations of the same functionality. The first is a Combined Axis Chart and the...

Forecasting is a word that tends to get some interesting reactions from people I meet. The most frequent reaction I think I encounter is one of slight intimidation. Forecasting has a simple point – use history to predict the most statistically likely future. When it...

Once vShield and the Symantec Security Virtual Appliance have been successfully deployed in an environment, the VDI policy that the SVA is using (see the Deploying vShield with the Symantec Security Virtual Appliance for where this was set) will need to be configured. This article is...

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