Back in my days working in financial planning and analysis (FP&A), my job was rooted in data storytelling. I developed forecasts, ad hoc analyses, models and dashboards to help drive and empower decisions with data. Financial dashboarding, like any other skill, has a learning curve...
InterWorks' Content Manager Garrett Sauls sat down with Solutions Architecture Director, Americas, Mat Hughes and Analytics Lead Keith Dykstra to take stock of the announcements made at TC23 and what direction we see the data space going. ...
Learning a new tool can be daunting, especially if you are starting from square one with little to no experience. That’s why I’ve outlined a small list of free learning resources and exercises for a beginner with no experience to transition into a more intermediate...
In our last blog, we gave you some tips on how to create worksheets that will bring your users a delightful search analytics experience, but what if you want to build some pre-built analyses for users needing to quickly consume visual data that can then...
I think it is fair to say that most of us are familiar with Chat GPT, a revolutionary Large Language Model from Open AI that is revolutionizing the way we work and interact with AI. Tableau recently announced at TC 2023 that they are working...
Devs on stage was such a joy to watch this year at Tableau Conference 2023. For those of you unfamiliar with Devs on Stage, this keynote offers an opportunity to hear about exciting innovations from the developers of Tableau themselves. You can watch sessions from...
The inspiration for this blog was my seething hatred for overly complex password requirements and a PowerBI report I created to show the math to see if it would help fill my never-ending pit of rage. After discussing the logistics of converting that PowerBI report...
If your organization already utilizes VMware’s vSphere and you have a need for load balancing in your infrastructure, you’re in luck. VMware incorporated Avi Networks’ load balancing software into their NSX solution. Formally called NSX Advanced Load Balancer, or NSX-ALB (but familiarly just known as...
We’ve all done it. We’ve completely ignored the warning label. You know, the one we probably see everyday: CAUTION: Contents Hot We ignore it because it’s understood. We just ordered hot coffee or tea, and we expect it to be hot. We see the steam. The warning label...
I heard a week or so ago that National Donut Day was coming up, and it sparked my curiosity about donut day, leading to many long study sessions about everyone's favorite ring-shaped pastry. I figured the best way to disperse my newly acquired yet useless...
One amazing thing about InterWorks’ people is that we all come from very diverse backgrounds. Though we all ended up here working with data, some of us have taken an interesting path to get here. Cody Ehlers is not just a talented Strategic Client Manager. After...
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