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My name is Sebastian, I am an Analytics Lead in Germany and I just celebrated my three year anniversary at InterWorks. My job today is to explain a few things for you about who we are. Why InterWorks? There are three groups of people who ask that...

As a Marketing Research and Analytics student at Oklahoma State University, I find exploring a new survey platform very exciting. When I was given my first Typeform project, I knew I needed to start getting familiar with the Typeform interface. Exploring Typeform’s Capabilities To begin to understand...

The modern workplace is constantly evolving, and the need for experienced IT directors has never been greater. In this article, we'll explore what an IT director does, and the skills and qualifications needed to be an IT director. Then, we'll dive into how smaller businesses...

Welcome, everyone, to the recap of our August blogs. You may look at your calendars and say, "Mark, my friend, it's September 12. We're almost halfway through September. Why is this recap so late?" That, my dear reader, is an astute question. It actually has...

On a recent client project, my colleague Emily Miley and I found a practical use case for dynamic zones that I’ll be using often. If you’re unfamiliar with the dynamic zones feature, we’ve got you covered! Check out this blog post first and then come...

As a Tableau admin or enthusiast, you're always on the lookout for ways to elevate your data management game and gain invaluable insights into your environment. That's where Tableau Cloud Admin Insights steps in, igniting your curiosity and driving you to explore further. Imagine a...

Following up from the previous post, vertical synchronised scrolling can be even more of an issue. We’ve come up with two options here depending on the use case (and preference). The first option is pagination. Our business is selling stuff all around the globe and we...

SHP Files in Tableau Shape files (.shp) allow us to encode geospatial information like countries, continents or more specific custom regions specific to our use cases. These work similarly to dot-to-dot puzzles. One file stores a series of shapes, each with a series of points (or...

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