

The Problem - Forgot EqualLogic Password It happens to us all - well, those of us who don't configure their arrays with "password" or "qwerty" as the grpadmin password. There you are, an innocent storage administrator, just trying to log on to your SAN, when you...

With an upgrade to Shoreware version 9.0 or 9.1 the installer soon realizes that Shoretel has decided to add the LLDP feature to the phones and has turned this option on by default after the installation.  Since most switches are already set up with the LLDP option...

PS6010 and PS6510 Series Arrays After what seems like a long wait, Dell EqualLogic finally released the 10Gb controllers for the PS Series arrays. The new PS6010 and PS6510 arrays offer two ten gig ports per controller, allowing you to have 20Gb/s of bandwidth to each...

Google Chrome and the associated workflows are really getting better everyday.   I fired up Chrome this morning, saw my Wave notification icon and clicked as I normally would.  Look what magically appeared: Now when Chrome detects an update, you can single click on the W notifier...

Ben Parr at Mashable posted an interesting article on a new service called Pearltrees.  This tool provides a visual way to organize your website bookmarks.  It also includes aspects of social media, allowing you to share your Pearltrees with other registered users.  It's a very different...

If you hit CTRL-ALT-DEL on ESX 4 console, the server will reboot even if there are running VMs and it doesn't matter if the server is not in Maintenance Mode. To disable this yourself: 1. Open /etc/inittab (vi /etc/inittab) 2. Search for "CTRL-ALT-DELETE" or "ctrlaltdel" (hit escape, "/",...

So today is the big day.  My trusty laptop running XP will get wiped to a clean and shiny virgin install of Windows 7.  Like most, I am excited at a new OS and the 'positive' buzz around this product makes it seem like the...

The Problem - Backing Up Exchange 2007 in Backup Exec It's not that difficult, but if you've never done it before, there are two gotcha's you'll need to watch out for. The Solution - MAPI CDO and Exchange Management Tools On the backup server, you'll need to install...

Every now and again you just have to add a server to every public folder's replicas list (like, when you configure a new mailbox server). It's pretty easy to do. Open up an Exchange Management Shell, and type in this command: AddReplicaToPFRecursive.ps1 -TopPublicFolder -ServerToAdd YourNewServer Give it... posted a review of an interesting hard disk analysis freeware application that uses a Treemap to visually map disk contents.  The application works fairly quickly.  I downloaded and tested it with my laptop this evening and it works pretty well.  As you know, I...

Recently my Outlook email autocomplete quit working.   This is the nice feature that will autocomplete email addresses after you've entered them in one time previously.  This saves a ton of time so that you don't have to: Look up email addresses for people that you...

The Problem: Today, I fixed an extremely perplexing error. One of our clients was getting errors on every one of his mail programs about SSL for IMAP. One of the errors was "SERVER has sent an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12263" in Thunderbird. After I poked...

Yesterday, Dell EqualLogic announced the release of the PS6500X array. If you're not familiar with EqualLogic arrays, they are extremely scalable, easy to manage iSCSI SANs that help companies make better use of their storage.  The PS6500X, like the PS6500E, has 48 drives in a 4U...

There is a potentially useful Excel add on tool for analysis of Google Analytics activity called Excellent Analytics.  I haven't installed and played with the tool yet.  If anyone decides to give this a whirl let me know what you think....

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