

Welcome back to a 100% definitely nothing bad is going to happen year in professional football! Last year's uncertainty didn’t seem to slow the commitment to Fantasy Football that grips the U.S., and I’ve already heard from many of you eager to draft soon due...

While 2020 has hardly been the year anyone could have predicted, sports, uh … finds a way. The NFL is the first major sports league to have a full, normal-ish, season planned and while the pre-season was cancelled, the regular season kicks off September 10th...

I've been making and using these Fantasy Football Draft Kits in Tableau for SIX years now, and the demand for this year's kit has been incredible to see. I love hearing from friends and family, and all you random folks out around the internet, about...

It’s August again, which means it’s still hot, but football is here! Personally, I’ve been enjoying a ton of baseball and the gobsmackload of home runs we’re seeing. The World Cup was also simply outstanding start to finish, but football in America means only one thing:...

Jump to the draft kit. We're well into August, which means American Football is back. The offseason is always excruciating, and no amount of baseball or US soccer can fill the void that football leaves. Though the regular season starts in a few weeks, the hype...

Jump to the viz! August in America brings record temperatures and signals an end of six painful months without American Football. Sports news websites begin to surge in traffic; even ESPN, despite their broad coverage of global sports, gains significant ground in its Alexa rankings once...

Recently, our own Dan Murray blogged about NFL Players and their arrests. This got me thinking about the risk of a newly drafted NFL Player being arrested, which of course also got me thinking about survival analysis. Wait. What did I just say? Survival Analysis Explained Survival...

Fame and money can do extraordinary things to people. Some use their position for good while many others go in the opposite direction. If you want proof, look no further than the NFL. We love our professional athletes, especially those that play football, but it's no mystery that...

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