PYD53 – Tableau Performance

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! We’re officially two years old. Thank you for being a part of our community for the past two years. We have some exciting updates to the show that we’ll implement in upcoming episodes, the first being our new panel format. Brad Fair...

Whether you were busy falling in love in February or you're just looking for a recap of everything that went down on the InterWorks blog, we have you covered with our February blog roundup. Sure, February is the shortest month of the year, but we put out...

We’re pleased to announce that InterWorks is officially a Snowflake Solution Partner. After getting to know the Snowflake team as well as the ins and outs of their product, we see the immediate value Snowflake can bring to clients in search of a modern data...

Even though February is the shortest month of the year, it was jam packed for our events team. From Tableau Agency events to the DRIVE/ conference in Seattle, we made our way through a chilly February and are getting closer and closer to spring as...

As “big data” becomes increasingly ubiquitous and important to a variety of organizations, many of the existing database systems and platforms have become too cumbersome to set up and maintain: On-site systems can be complex and difficult to scale; and other “big data” solutions require...

I'm a chartered accountant, and my background is in building finance functions and creating financial performance analysis reporting functions. I trained in a public practice, and after around six years, moved into industry. I've been working in industry for the last seven years, and analysing...

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