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We are so excited to be launching our new product “Care Quality Analytics” and thought what better way to do this than with a blog and a demo! So, here goes! Let’s first take a look at the why we built this product, you may well...

When building out a Tableau Centre of Excellence, it’s often useful to show the power of the tool using engaging games or apps. The following is a more advanced example of what’s possible to do in Tableau to get users exited about the capabilities of...

Tableau offers many different types of certifications open to anyone who wants to assess their skills in using or implementing Tableau. These are broken down into the following certification categories or types: Tableau Desktop Specialist, Tableau Data Analyst and Tableau Server Certified Associate. These are...

Snowpark for Python is the name for the new Python functionality integration that Snowflake has recently developed. At the Snowflake Summit in June 2022, Snowpark for Python was officially released into Public Preview, which means anybody is able to get started using Python in their...

From its inception, Snowflake has always supported the ANSI standard version of the SQL language. As much as we may enjoy using SQL to manipulate data – how cool is it to write in a language based on something called lambda calculus? Still, it doesn't quite...

On Friday 24 October, we were invited to an IEEE NSW Education Chapter and DataWomen university mixer where we had the privilege to talk to information technology students of all levels about all the different roles they can pursue in the IT field. We paired...

What does it mean to be a (graphic) designer? You could ask a variety of people and get a whole slew of different answers to this. Heck, Debbie Millman even wrote a whole book that’s chalk full of great insights from a variety of well-established...

Well, spooky season may have come and gone like a ghost in the night, but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun while it was here. Parties, trick or treating and (probably) too much candy marked our scariest time of year, and I think we're...

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