

The Data Studio team will be visiting Seattle for this year’s annual Tableau Conference, an event where smart people and top people in data visualisation and business intelligence come to learn, share, and get inspired. Come and say hello if you are also attending – we’d...

Depending on your role and your typical daily activities, tracking time can be a very easy task or a nightmare. If you work on a single task associated with a single project for 8-10 hours per day, then time tracking is simple and you...

View PDF Version -------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media Contact: Cole Shelton InterWorks, Inc. (405) 624-3214 (405) 533-1039 InterWorks Releases Lease Acquisition and Management Software LANDBOSS 1.0 Launch Announced STILLWATER, OK August 24, 2009 - InterWorks, Inc's software division has announced the launch of LANDBOSS, a mineral lease acquisition and...

Over the last couple of days we've gotten many of the issues with the trial signup application sorted out - including setting the payment processor to use real-live requests.  This means if you sign up you won't have to re-enter your billing information before converting...

LANDBOSS finally released for open beta later yesterday; now it's just a matter of making any changes people request (and they will request them!). I'm confident since we have things pretty polished already, though, that this is the beginning of the end and we'll get...

Friday we launched the initial implementation of the land & leasing module for Landboss, known internally as the "Gamma Release."  We'll be letting some our testing partners preview it and will use their feedback to help polish and improve it until we feel it's ready...

I'm happy to announce the launch of our new website! Our web team has worked hard over the last month to make final preparations for it's launch and they've done an incredible job of introducing a powerful new tool for the organization. The...

I did my first lunch and learn presentation yesterday to demonstrate Tableau and explain some of my personal experience with the tool. There were (23) people in attendance from all sorts of different entities of all sizes. While they were from different background there...

STILLWATER, OK August 21, 2008 – Inc. released its annual ranking of the 5000 fastest-growing private companies in the nation yesterday, listing InterWorks Inc. as number 1063. The Inc. 5000 list is well known as the most comprehensive review of an important segment of America’s...

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