LANDBOSS 1.0 Released

LANDBOSS 1.0 Released


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Media Contact:
Cole Shelton
InterWorks, Inc.
(405) 624-3214
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InterWorks Releases Lease Acquisition and Management Software

LANDBOSS 1.0 Launch Announced

STILLWATER, OK August 24, 2009 – InterWorks, Inc’s software division has announced the launch of LANDBOSS, a mineral lease acquisition and management software package. LANDBOSS allows oil and gas operators and lease brokers to efficiently manage their lease acquisition projects, providing realtime reporting on lease status, activity, project cost, and more.

“Our goal was to create more than a simple data entry program, we wanted to create software that increases the efficiency of land professionals and provides decision makers with the real-time information they need to make important decisions in their acquisition projects.” says Cole Shelton, LANDBOSS product manager. “LANDBOSS is built around the workflows of a lease acquisition project and ultimately increases the efficiency of everyone involved, including landmen running title, leasing agents, lease administrators, and accounting staff”.

LANDBOSS has been in development for over 2 years and Shelton says that development will continue at full-speed as LANDBOSS aims to become the premiere land acquisition software product for E&P companies.

About InterWorks, Inc.
Founded in 1996, InterWorks Inc. is an Oklahoma-based company with representatives across the United States and the world. InterWorks, Inc. started with computer networking and technical support services, quickly growing with the needs of existing and new clients – expanding into software development, web services and online marketing. InterWorks, Inc. is now a full service technology provider and regionally respected IT outsourcing firm.





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