

Tableau's sample files wouldn't look so good if they weren't well designed Alistair Knock posted a great question by Moose Peterson on Google+  about feedback on user photographs on the web:why do most people just make anodyne comments along the lines of “Nice!” when they probably...

BBC Sport have just published their Price of Football survey where they looked at the cost of tickets, programmes and old-school refreshments. The following visualisation compares the BBC headline cost 'Cheapest Day Out' (the total cost of the cheapest ticket, a programme, a pie and a cup of...

I hate waiting. I hate sitting there watching the timer spin. Knowing the data is flying in the background is no comfort to me as I wait for a chart to finish loading. No matter how much data is moving through the pipes, when I...

I had a great time sharing my ‘Dimensional Design 101’ presentation with the devs at Codestock 2011. This is one of my favorite presentations and Codestock has become one of my favorite events. [...

The power of social networking has struck again. Next are seeking their next Top Model. Computer Science graduate Roland Bunce is the runaway favourite so far. I took the data of the top five entrants and created this viz to emphasize how big a lead...

You may have read my post on the bar-chart tooltip, or seen it on the Tableau Knowledge Base. That was always something I was proud of. When Tableau released v6, and with it Table Calculations, I suspected there was a way to extend it. Once...

There has been much interesting debate about David McCandless’ Information Is Beautiful this week, initiated by a well written critical piece by Stephen Few. I am pleased he has challenged the orthodox view that McCandless is the answer to the data visualisation industry’s problems. On both...

The azaleas are blooming in Georgia and that means golf’s finest will be trekking to Augusta for the first major of the year. You probably know Jack Nicklaus has won more here than anyone – 6 times over 3 decades. And, you may...

Unlike any other tool I've used before, Tableau invites exploration. One can start with a blank canvas and end up who knows where. That's what makes Tableau fun to use. However strange that word looks when used in a work context, it's true. I had a...

Earlier today, I posted on the Tableau Forum, suggesting it would be great if Tableau did 3D pie charts. Well, I didn't think it would be possible, but using some data pre-processing techniques, and hacking the preferences.tps, I've worked out a way of doing 3d...

Ujval Gandhi commented on my post about dual axis formatting. He asked if you could use dual axes/parameters to choose between showing a bar and a line chart. Turns out that, yes, you can: It's quite a simple trick: Choose to show a bar or line chart...

You've built a nice chart using synchronised dual axes (maybe it's a lollipop chart - as described in my previous posts!). It looks great, but you're just left with a niggling little design flaw: those dual axis sure take up a lot of space, at...

The earthquake and tsunami near Sendai, Japan have resulted in 3,370 confirmed deaths and over 6,700 missing. No doubt more bad news will be coming over the next few days as Japan completes search & rescue efforts. Unfortunately, our recent memory includes similar disasters...

Nathan Yau at Flowing Data posted some interesting data from TV Guide. TV’s Top Earners includes compensation data for some of of the highest paid actors and personalities on television. Pay for actors (comedy and drama) is expressed on a per episode basis,...

I enjoy reading many different blogs that include data visualizations, particularly those that include Tableau Public posts. A couple of weeks ago I ran across an interesting visualization at Russian Sphinx. Her post included a dashboard of World Health Organization data on road...

  Over at Flowing Data, Nathan Yau sent out the challenge to visualize the Pew Research Center data about how people get their news. There are many excellent examples created that can be seen over in the Flowing Data comments (some very different, some improving...

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